
A small interpreter

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is an interpreter for a language that is functional, inferred and strongly typed. It is under active development and a bit buggy. Currently it supports varibles, flow-control and subroutines. I plan to expand it to include additional features like classes, builtin functions, complex data types, etc.


  • variables with optional types
  • while loops
  • until loops
  • conditional statements
  • subroutines
  • stdout


Clone this repo and navigate to the home directory. To interprete a file run node src/index.js <name-of-file>. Run node src/index.js --h for a list of optional flags.


A hello world example (classic)

print "Hello, World!"

for comments use // for single lines and /* */ for multilines

// single line comments
/* multiline
 comment */

Note: comments are a bit buggy

varibles are declared with the let keyword

let variable = 23  

The variables type will be inferred by the interpreter. However, types can also optionally be explicitly stated.

let num : real
let greeting : string = "howdy"

An error (should) be thrown if you try to assign a value to a different type. For example let num : real = "error".

there are four primative types: integer, float, boolean and string

let num = 45
let percent = 0.99
let interesting = false
let name = "Steve"

the types for each varible (should) be infered and should throw errors if you try to operate on different types.

supports basic math (+, -, *, /, %) and operator precedence

let math = 1 + 2 - 3 * 4 / 5 % 6 * (3 - 2) // 0.6

while loops

while (condition) repeat
  // do something

until loops

until (condition) repeat
  // do something

conditional if statement

if (condition) then
  // do something
  // optional else block