
Use SQL like Spring Data JPA

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0




  • Spring Framework 5+
  • Java 11+


  • Lower case naming

    HelloWorld > hello_world
  • MySQL Pagination

    select * from table limit 0,20




public class HiSqlConfig {


  • SQLCrudRepository

    Create an interface for extents SQLCrudRepository.


  • SQLRepository

    SQL expression

    • "{sql}" indicates the sql to be replaced.
    • ":value" indicates parameter name.


    • CustomRepository.java

      package pers.clare.hisql.data.repository;
      import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
      import pers.clare.hisql.annotation.HiSql;
      import pers.clare.hisql.data.entity.User;
      import pers.clare.hisql.data.entity.UserSimple;
      import pers.clare.hisql.page.Next;
      import pers.clare.hisql.page.Page;
      import pers.clare.hisql.page.Pagination;
      import pers.clare.hisql.page.Sort;
      import pers.clare.hisql.repository.SQLRepository;
      import pers.clare.hisql.support.SqlReplace;
      import java.util.Collection;
      import java.util.List;
      import java.util.Map;
      import java.util.Set;
      public interface CustomRepository extends SQLRepository {
          @HiSql("insert into user (account)values(:account)")
          Long insert(String account);
          @HiSql("update user set name =:name where id=:id")
          int update(long id, String name);
          @HiSql("update user set name =:user.name where id=:user.id")
          int update(User user);
          @HiSql("delete from user where id=:user.id")
          int delete(User user);
          @HiSql("delete from user")
          int delete();
          @HiSql("select count(*) from user")
          long count();
          @HiSql("select * from user where account=:account")
          User findByAccount(String account);
          @HiSql("select * from user where id=:id")
          User findById(Long id);
          @HiSql("select * from user where id=:id")
          UserSimple findSimpleById(Long id);
          @HiSql("select * from user where id=:id")
          Map<String, Object> findMapById(Long id);
          @HiSql("select * from user where account=:account")
          List<User> findAllByAccount(String account);
          @HiSql("select * from user")
          List<UserSimple> findAll();
          @HiSql("select * from user")
          Set<UserSimple> findAllSet();
          @HiSql("select * from user")
          Set<Map<String, Object>> findAllMapSet();
          @HiSql("select * from user where account=:account")
          Page<User> pageByAccount(String account);
          @HiSql("select * from user where account=:account")
          Page<User> pageByAccount(Pagination pagination, String account);
          @HiSql("select * from user where account=:account")
          Next<User> nextByAccount(String account);
          @HiSql("select * from user where account=:account")
          Next<User> nextByAccount(Pagination pagination, String account);
          @HiSql("select * from user where account=:account")
          List<User> findAllByAccount(Sort sort, String account);
          @HiSql("select * from user where id in :ids and account=:account")
          List<User> findAll(Long[] ids, String account);
          @HiSql("select * from user where id in :ids and account=:account")
          List<User> findAll(Collection<Long> ids, String account);
          @HiSql("select * from user where (id,account) in :values")
          List<User> findAll(Object[][] values);
          @HiSql("select * from user where (id,account) in :values")
          List<User> findAll(Collection<Object[]> values);
          @HiSql("select * from user where 1=1 {idSql}")
          List<User> findAll(String idSql, Long id);
          @HiSql("select * from user where 1=1 {id} and :id is not null")
          List<User> findAll(SqlReplace<Object> id);
    • SQLRepositoryTest.java

  • Write SQL on XML

    • root path resources/hisql/

    • {class package}/Repository.XML

      ex: resources\hisql\pers\clare\demo\data\hiSql\UserQueryRepository.xml

    • Get SQL by Method Name or @HiSql(name=...)

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <!DOCTYPE SQL>
              select id
              from user
              select *
              from user
              where create_time between :startTime and :endTime
  • Support @Transactional

    import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Propagation;@Repository
    public interface TransactionRepository extends SQLRepository {
        // mysql
        @HiSql("update user set name = if(@name:=name,:name,:name) where id=:id")
        int updateName(Long id, String name);
        @HiSql("select @name")
        String getOldName();
    public class Service{
        @Transactional(propagtion = Propagation.SUPPORTS)
        public String queryDefineValue(Long id, String name) {
            transactionRepository.updateName(id, name);
            return String.format("old name:%s , new name:%s", transactionRepository.getOldName(), name);

    Rollback example

    import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Isolation;public class RollbackExample {
        public String rollback(Long id, String name) {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            try {
                proxy().updateException(sb, id, name);
            } catch (Exception e) {
            return sb.toString();
        @Transactional(propagtion = Propagation.REQUIRED)
        public void updateException(StringBuilder sb, Long id, String name) {
            // first update username
            String result = queryDefineValue(id, name);
            sb.append("------some connection------").append('\n');
            // select user in same connection
            User user = userRepository.findById(id);
            // second update username
            result = queryDefineValue(id, name+2);
            // select uncommitted user in different connection
            user = proxy().findByIdUncommitted(id);
            // select committed user in different connection
            user = proxy().findById(id);
            // rollback
            throw new RuntimeException("rollback");
        public User findById(Long id) {
            return userRepository.findById(id);
        @Transactional(isolation = Isolation.READ_UNCOMMITTED)
        public User findByIdUncommitted(Long id) {
            return userRepository.findById(id);

Virtual Total

"select count(*)" syntax is very slow, use virtual total instead of real count.


  • MySQL

      Replace the actual count (*) with the explain result "rows".
      public long getVirtualTotal(
              Pagination pagination
              , Connection connection
              , String sql
              , Object[] parameters
      ) throws SQLException {
          String totalSql = "explain select count(*) from(" + sql + ")t";
          ResultSet rs = ConnectionUtil.query(connection, totalSql, parameters);
          if (rs.next()) {
              return rs.getLong("rows");
          } else {
              throw new HiSqlException(String.format("query total error.(%s)", totalSql));




  • CustomMySQLPaginationMode

      public class CustomMySQLPaginationMode extends MySQLPaginationMode {
          public long getVirtualTotal(
                  Pagination pagination
                  , Connection connection
                  , String sql
                  , Object[] parameters
          ) throws SQLException {
              // TODO
          paginationMode = CustomMySQLPaginationMode.class
      public class Demo2HiSqlConfig {


Change naming strategy

  • UpperCase

        naming = UpperCaseNamingStrategy.class
    public class Demo2HiSqlConfig {
  • Custom naming strategy

    public class CustomNamingStrategy implements NamingStrategy{
        naming = CustomNamingStrategy.class
    public class Demo2HiSqlConfig {

Change PaginationMode

public class CustomPaginationMode implements PaginationMode{

    paginationMode = CustomPaginationMode.class
public class Demo2HiSqlConfig {

Custom ResultSet Value Converter

public class Device{
    private Integer id;
    private String name;
    private Pattern regex;

public class ApplicationTest {
    static {
        // register Pattern converter
        HiSqlResultSetConverter.register(Pattern.class, (value) -> {
            if (value == null) return null;
            return Pattern.compile(String.valueOf(value));

Optimize pagination performance

Reuse last total, avoid re-executing "select count(*)".

Pagination pagination=Pagination.of(0,20);
        Page page=repository.page(pagination);


More Example in tests.