
Take home assignment for eden life.

Primary LanguagePHP

Superban Package


Superban is a Laravel package that gives your Laravel application the ability to ban clients from accessing endpoint(s) for a period of time.


Currently, "superban" is still been developed and can only be used locally. Follow the steps below, in order to use superban:

  1. Download the code to your system.
  2. Create a folder inside your laravel app named packages\<vendor>. Make sure the folder is on the same level ass app.
    Note: <vendor> should be replaced with any value but should be the same value for all the steps during installation.
  3. Go into your composer.json and add the following:
        "superban": {
            "type": "path",
            "url": "packages/<vendor>/superban",
            "options": {
                "symlink": true
  1. Go into your composer.json inside the require object and add
    "<vendor>/superban": "@dev"


  1. Go to the file where your routes are declared e.g web.php .
  2. Then make use of the middleware alias superban for a single route / group of routes e.g

``` Route::get('/test', [TestController::class, 'test'])->middleware('superban:A,B,C'); ``` ``` Route::middleware(['superban:10,1,1', 'api'])->group(function () { Route::get('/', function () { });
Route::get('/user/profile', function () {


where `A` it the number of requests<br>
`B` is the number of minutes in which requests can happen<br>
`C` is the number of minutes in which the user is banned for. <br>
*NB* `A,B & C` are all integer values.