FinDash is a simple and user-friendly financial dashboard that helps you manage your finances like a pro. Powered by ChatGPT, it provides personalized financial insights and AI-powered assistance to help you stay on top of your spending and earnings.
To get started, all you need to do is visit in your web browser. FinDash is fully functional and requires no special setup or configuration.
We use the latest technologies to ensure that FinDash is a reliable and efficient financial dashboard. These include:
- Next.js: a React-based framework for building server-side rendered applications.
- Vercel: a cloud platform for deploying serverless functions and static websites.
- TypeScript: a typed superset of JavaScript that provides enhanced type checking and other features.
- ChatGPT API: an AI-powered API that provides personalized financial insights and assistance.
With FinDash, you can enjoy a range of powerful features that make it easy to manage your finances. These include:
- Track expenses and income: easily add transactions to keep track of your financial activity.
- Set budgets and goals: set goals and budgets to help you achieve your financial objectives.
- View reports: view reports on your financial activity that make it easy to see how you're doing.
Experience the power of FinDash today and start managing your finances like a pro!