
Kalliope neuron for todotxt todo list management

Primary LanguagePython


Interface to todotxt format todolist file.


Let you manage todolist via Kalliope. This neuron manage todolist via a a single text file and follow the todotxt rules so it can be used in parallèle with other todotxt compatible applications.

More information on this blog post about the reasons of this choice.


  • List tasks from file
  • Filter tasks by project, priority, context, completeness status
  • Add tasks
  • Delete tasks by filters (priority, project, context, completeness status)

Working example in the up to date sample directory


  • Manage taks update (eg status change)
  • Manage multiple project in orders (Task Class supports it)
  • Manage multiple context in orders (Task Class supports it)
  • Get / Delete task based on search text

Won't do:

  • Send tasks (by email): Will use another script linked to kalliope (I'll write about it)


kalliope install --git-url https://github.com/bacardi55/kalliope-todotxt.git


parameter required default choices comments
action yes 'get', 'add' or 'del' The action to launch
todotxt_file yes String The path to the todotxt file
priority No 'A', 'B' or 'C' The priority of the task
project No String The project of the task
context No String The context of the task
complete No False Boolean: False or True If the task is complete or not
content No String The content of the task

Additional notes:

  • If action is 'add':
    • Content argument is mandatory
    • Priority/context/complete/projects will be added in the raw line in text file
  • If action is 'get', adding priority / project / context will filter the results (see brain example below)
  • If action is 'del', every tasks that match the given priority/project/context will be deleted.

Return Values

Only necessary when the neuron use a template to say something

name description type sample
action The action launched string 'get', 'del' or 'add'
task_list list of tasks (for get action only) list of tasks [task1, taks2, task3].
count The number of returned element Integer 2
added_task string value Task object¹ Task object¹

Additional notes:

  • If action is 'get':
    • Count contains the number of return tasks in tasks_lists
    • Task_lists contains the list of task object¹
    • add_task is unset
  • If action is 'del':
    • Count contains the number of deleted tasks
    • added_task is unset
    • task_list is unset
  • If action is 'add':
    • Count is unset
    • added_task contain a Task object¹
    • task_list is empty

Task Object: The task object contains the following properties:

  • Task.raw: the raw line representing the task in the todotxt file.
  • Task.task_id: The task id (number of line)
  • Task.task: The cleaned text of a text
  • Task.priority: The priority
  • Task.project: A list of project name
  • Task.context = A list of context name
  • Task.creation_date: Creation date if precised
  • Task.complete: Is the task complete?
  • Task.completion_date: Completion date if completed task
  • Task.due_date: Due date if precised.

You can reuse all these properties in template_file or file_template for each task objects (added_task or each element of task_list).

Synapses example

Get tasks, no filter.

  - name: "Get-all-tasks"
      - order: "Get all my tasks"
      - todotxt:
          action: "get"
          todotxt_file: "resources/neurons/todotxt/samples/todo.txt"
          file_template: "templates/en_todotxt.j2"

Get tasks with specific filters

  - name: "Get-specific-items"
      - order: "Get my super list"
      - todotxt:
          action: "get"
          todotxt_file: "resources/neurons/todotxt/samples/todo.txt"
          project: "project"
          priority: "A"
          context: "context"
          complete: False
          file_template: "templates/en_todotxt.j2"

Add item to list

  - name: "add-item-to-super-list"
      - order: "add {{content}} to the super list"
      - todotxt:
          action: "add"
          todotxt_file: "resources/neurons/todotxt/samples/todo.txt"
          project: "project"
          priority: "A"
          context: "context"
          complete: False
          content: "{{content}}"
          say_template: "Task {{added_task.task}} has been added to the super project with priority {{added_task.priority}}"

You could also add arguments with value coming from voice order directly:

  - name: "add-item-to-super-list"
      - order: "add {{content}} to the {{project}} list with priority {{priority}} and context {{context}}"
      - todotxt:
          action: "add"
          todotxt_file: "resources/neurons/todotxt/samples/todo.txt"
          complete: False
          content: "{{content}}"
          project: "{{project}}"
          priority: "{{priority}}"
          context: "{{context}}"
          say_template: "Task {{added_task.task}} has been added to the super project with priority {{added_task.priority}}"

Remove items that match filters from global list .

  - name: "clear-super-list"
      - order: "clear super list"
      - todotxt:
          action: "del"
          todotxt_file: "resources/neurons/todotxt/samples/todo.txt"
          project: "project"
          priority: "A"
          context: "context"
          complete: False
          say_template: "{{count}} items have been deleted"

Templates example

This template list tasks if any, or indicate that no tasks are in the list.

{% if count > 0 %}
    Your list contains:
    {% for task in task_list %}
        {{ task.text }}
    {% endfor %}
{% else %}
    You don't have any item in your list
{% endif %}

Refer to the return value part of this page to understand what else you can use in the task object.

Additional links
