
A simple modular IRC bot written in bash. (Do yourself a favour and don't use it in production!)

BashDude - a simple bodular IRC bot written in bash
Version	 : 0.23
Date	 : 2010-04-22
Tag-name : proof-of-concept

I've done a complete redesign and basically started everything from scratch.

- connect to a single irc network
- auto-join a list of channels
- join on invite
- user-registration
- ACL management (extendable)
- in-channel user interaction

I'll keep development in progress on this, so stay sticky!

|-- README							this readme document
|-- bin								directory for all main scripts (scripts to be executed by the user)
|   `-- bashdude					the main loop of the bot
|-- etc								directory for configuration files
|   |-- channels					list of channels to auto-join | one channel per line (supports +k)
|   |-- config						main configuration file for connection, bot and owner information
|   |-- header						a header file for all directory and file variables - just for the better overview
|   `-- users						the user file | format: user password acl
|-- usr
|   `-- share						directory for internal routines and all core sub-scripts
|       |-- core					directory for core routines
|       |   |-- acl_check			script for validating acl | returns 0 for ok and 1 for not ok
|       |   |-- answer				script for assembling PRIVMSGs and sending them to the network
|       |   |-- authorize			script for authorizing users
|       |   |-- connect				script for authorizing users
|       |   |-- incoming			script for parsing incoming irc messages
|       |   |-- keepalive			script for responding to TCP keep-alive requests
|       |   |-- modules				directory for all core modules - modules are in-channel commands
|       |   |   |-- identify		script for identifying a user
|       |   |   |-- join			let the bot join a channel
|       |   |   |-- part			let the bot part a channel
|       |   |   |-- ping			i-am-alive command
|       |   |   |-- register		script for user registration
|       |   |   `-- rehash			script for rehashing the configuration and header file
|       |   |-- triggers			directory for all message type handlers
|       |   |   |-- message			direcotry for user message handlers
|       |   |   |   |-- INVITE		script for reacting to channel invites
|       |   |   |   |-- JOIN		handles join messages
|       |   |   |   |-- MODE		handles mode changes
|       |   |   |   |-- NICK		handles nick changes
|       |   |   |   |-- NOTICE		handles notices
|       |   |   |   |-- PART		handles channel parts
|       |   |   |   |-- PRIVMSG		handles privmsgs, also checks for incoming commands and initiates module
|       |   |   |   `-- QUIT		handles quits
|       |   |   `-- server			directory for server message hadlers
|       |   |       |-- 311			handles 311 - a whois response line | currently disabled due to ACCESS-FLOODing
|       |   |       `-- 353			handles 353 - incoming channel user list
|       `-- extras					direcotry for all not core stuff
|           `-- modules				directory for extra modules
|               `-- cycle			let the bot cycle a channel
`-- var								directory for all various stuff
    |-- log							log directory
    `-- run							directory for all dynamic runtime files
        |-- auth.acl				holds all authenticated nicks and their ACL
        |-- channels				directory for all channel files
        `-- irc.input				the input file to drop messages into the telnet loop