
Primary LanguagePerl

Copyright 2011 Elliot Wolk
Licensed under GPLv3

Network Utility Belt

collection of scripts that interface with:
  ifconfig dhclient wpa_supplicant
  iwconfig iwlist iwscan wvdial pppd

to accomplish the basic goal of:
  managing wifi, wired, and hspa{tethered} internet connections via the cmdline

can currently:
1) list available wifi networks prettily
user:~$ wscan
MBY30                | 72%  | WEP  | [1]  
NETGEAR              | 60%  | WPA2 |      
APPpleSauce          | 77%  | WPA2 | [2]  

2) connect to unencrypted, wep, and wpa/wpa2 wifi networks
user:~$ wconnect MBY30 wep deadbeef09
 exec: wdisconnect
 exec: ifconfig wlan0
 exec: iwconfig wlan0 essid MBY30 key deadbeef09 channel auto
 exec: resolvchooser default
 exec: dhclient -d wlan0


user:$ echo '(["linksys", "WPA2", "password141j158"])' > ~/wifi.conf
user:~$ wconnect liNkSys
 preconfigured network, case changed to: linksys
 exec: wdisconnect
 exec: ifconfig wlan0 up
 exec: wpa_supplicant -Dwext -iwlan0 -c/tmp/wpa_supplicant.conf
 exec: sleep 1
 exec: resolvchooser default
 exec: dhclient -d wlan0

3) tether an n900 with wvdial
user:~$ n900-tether on