

  • Task-Manager-App is an application built with the MERN stack.
  • It is for a team who is working to finish a specific project where every member can write his own tasks and define the status, the deadline, the notes about every single task.
  • The member can create, update , delete and browse his own tasks


Set Environment Variables

Rename the .envexample to .env and add your MongoDB database URI, your JWT secret and your Cloudinary keys

Install backend dependencies

npm install

Install client (frontend) dependencies

cd frontend
npm install

Run app in development (frontend & backend)

npm run dev

2. Code structure

|   └── config
|   └── controllers
|   └── Middlewares
|   └── models
|   └── routes
|   └── util
|    server.js
├── public
└── src
|   └── app
|   |   └── store
|   └── assets
|   └── components
|   |   └── Privacy
|   |   |   └── AdminRoute
|   |   |   └── PrivateRoute
|   |   └── BackButton
|   |   └── Footer
|   |   └── Header
|   |   └── MemberItem
|   |   └── NoteItem
|   |   └── Spinner
|   |   └── TaskItem
|   └── features
|   |   └── auth
|   |   └── notes
|   |   └── tasks
|   └── hooks
|   └── pages
|   |   └── AdminMember
|   |   └── AdminTasks
|   |   └── Home
|   |   └── Login
|   |   └── newTask
|   |   └── Profile
|   |   └── Register
|   |   └── Task
|   |   └── Tasks
|   |   └── UpdateTAsk
|   └── App
|   └── index

(back to top)

3. Further Improvements

  • To create Admin profile to be able to have access to the member's tasks, to be able to edit them (change the responsibilitis for example) and add notes to the member's tasks and check there notes