
TicTacToe Kata Calisthenic Remix salade tomate sans oignons

Primary LanguageRust

TicTacToe Kata (calisthenics remix)

This repository contains my implementations of a kata given in the meet-up "Crafter En Herbe (Septembre 2020)" - https://www.meetup.com/fr-FR/Crafters-en-herbe/events/273245848/

I did implement it in Rust, in TDD.

The concept

We chose the TicTacToe kata, and decided to implement some of the calisthenics rules on the kata.

If you want to know more about the calisthenics objects, I recommend you this article.

And between those rules, we decided to only pick a few :

  • Only one level of indentation per method
  • Don't use the ELSE keyword
  • Don't abbreviate
  • No classes with more than two instance variables
  • No getters/setters

The reality of the implementation

My implementation isn't 100% comùpliants with the rules concerning the "No getter/setter" rule. If you have an idea on how to be compliant : don't hesitate to do a pull request ! :)