
Screens CSVs with social media posts and identifies the rows that begin with a name ('tagging')

Primary LanguagePython


Screens CSVs with social media posts and identifies the rows that begin with a name ('tagging')

This script is meant to screen out FB posts that are just mentions of names.

How to use: Babynames.csv is a CSV with ~6,600 baby names. Save this file to your Python directory. Add any new names you encounter to the bottom of the sheet. For your sentiment file, save a CSV file with just the FB posts (no header, just copy & paste from SimplyMeasured). Edit the name of the file at the bottom (last line) Get back: a CSV file with the following columns: 1. Original FB post 2. First word of the post 3. Is the first word of the post a name? 4. Is the entire post >= 5 words? (Indicates additional commentary past name...)