The inspiration of this side project is from my best friend. Since her business just start-up, and ask me build one ERP system cloud help her recording cost and item manage.
- test account/password :
The project status is in staging phase, backend, database, Redis, and static website all render in
- Frontend
- react hooks, react-router-dom v6, redux-toolkit, rtk query, Material UI, google oauth
- Backend
- express, knex, postgreSql, redis
- Deploy
- docker for local development
- Tools
- VS Code for frontend, intelliJ IDEA for backend.
- bcrypt, google-auth, jsonwebtoken, express-rate-limit
- http-errors
- knex, pg, redis
- loadash, uuid
- nodemailer
- winston, winston-daily-rotate-file, morgan
- nodemon
Root path: /
Method | path | Description |
post | register |
user submit form to register a new account |
post | activate-account |
user submit to activate the account |
post | reset-password |
submit email to send reset password link |
post | active-reset-password |
user submit to reset the password |
Method | path | Description |
get | /verify |
verify user and response account detail only necessary information |
get | /verify/google-login |
user login with google one tap and verify account to response account detail only necessary information, and tokens |
post | /login |
user login and response tokens |
post | /logout |
user logout and clean token in Redis |
post | /refresh |
verify old refresh token and response new refresh token |
Method | path | Description |
get | / |
user get own account detail |
patch | /password |
user change password |
patch | /profile |
user update own account detail |
Method | path | Description |
get | / |
users list |
get | /:userId |
response user detail by user id |
post | / |
create new user, and send activate link to the new user |
patch | /:userId |
update user detail by user id |
delete | /:userId |
soft delete user detail by user id |
get | /resend-activate/:userId |
resend activate email to user |
Method | path | Description |
get | / |
users actions log list |
get | /:logId |
response action log detail by id |
- Authentication ✔️
- Me ✔️
- User ✔️
- Actions Log ✔️
- Inventory (building ...)
- Suppliers (building ...)
- Auto send activate link in mail to new user when manage create a user.
- Authentication by JWT token for access token and refresh token.
- Keep refresh tokens in Redis until it expired.
- Keep activate account tokens, and reset password tokens in Redis until it expired.
- Limit permission by user status if route need.
- Manage users, and limit permission each route by user role.
- Manage inventory, and limit permission each route by user role
- Manage suppliers, and limit permission each route by user role
- Update to batch crud each route.
- config
- db config, cors options config, Redis config, other configs.
- controllers
- handles request and return response
- middleware
- some helper functions for handle incoming request.
- eg. validate user role, status, and JWT, logger, error handle.
- models
- database interface of each table
- routes
- routes manager for each module
- services
- the layer between the controller and the model
- utils
- some helper functions, or constants for global.
It's so excited to build this backend project by myself. I use some experience when I worked in the project. Like, I add services layer for handling request and response, it's more clean code, and more easy to debug, everything it's much better.
It's so much things I need to learn as a web developer, thanks I have this experience to improve my skill of backend.
The conclusion of this project, I implement every thing in enterprise level as possible even it just a side project. So I learned a lot of skill, and use much tool I haven't used before, like Redis, docker, or other react eco system library.
It's in staging phase in current, and it render in by free plan, so sometime it would response very slowly.
Every document or code would be change since in staging phase now.