A pageable, drop-in replacement for Backbone.Collection called Backbone.PageableCollection.
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Demo page not working
#386 opened by niksite - 1
Problem when using with backbone.associations
#306 opened by mattkoch614 - 0
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Feature request: Infinite mode with total records
#385 opened by tilwinjoy - 4
Using with RequireJS and lodash
#348 opened by cviebrock - 1
help typescript
#381 opened by luk156 - 1
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#387 opened by sido420 - 3
Cannot use string for data
#287 opened by abzainuddin - 3
Currentpage-like support for skipped (OData)
#358 opened by nrdev88 - 4
_contains is not a function in examples
#379 opened by ktarasov - 5
backbone.paginator v2.0.6
#380 opened by extend1994 - 2
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accepting total amount of rows in getPage()
#382 opened by StanislavNikitin - 0
Last page not working for parseLink
#378 opened by AbhishekPatil9844 - 2
Constructor with parse option incompatible with non-Array models argument
#337 opened by fromthemills - 3
Infinite mode getNextPage resets the collection
#315 opened by ristovskiv - 0
Deleting row doesn't cause a pagination update
#353 opened by fluffy88 - 1
Defer evaluation of url attribute?
#349 opened by millerbryan - 2
Can't use collection.reset to use filtered data?
#307 opened by suederade - 0
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Disabling pagination with infinite mode
#344 opened by emileber - 1
- 0
- 0
Add same array twice, the collection state show the sum of two array's length
#340 opened by nttdocomo - 5
Preflight request
#318 opened by costasapostolopoulos - 1
getPage with options does not change page index
#326 opened by pho3nixf1re - 1
state.currentPage is off by *2 once get*Page is called
#320 opened by mirko - 3
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NPM 2.0.4
#316 opened by alexcurtis - 1
infinite mode demo page throws Uncaught RangeError: No link found for page xx all over
#303 opened by jeacott - 7
Reset not setting state back to first page.
#293 opened by rsumilang - 1
fetch overwrites with current state
#308 opened by dan-f - 3
Client mode reset, page calculation incorrect.
#309 opened by bazineta - 1
Does not allow options.success callback.
#305 opened by miphe - 1
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Did you rewrite history and change your 2.0.0 tag?
#288 opened by macgyver - 3
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Why is the latest version not on and CDN's?
#289 opened by jeffp123 - 5
[Feature Request] SOME sort of support for pre-filtering (or at least some guidelines on how to do it now)
#294 opened by ambischof - 1
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Can't use with wiredep or debowerify
#295 opened by achinaou - 0
PageableCollection fetch replace the native url function in models breaking model save and destroy.
#292 opened by JPLachance - 0
RangeError message is actually wrong
#285 opened by sharifmamun