
Custom arch-live builder

Primary LanguageShell


Archlive-builder is a builder (script) that allows you to build custom archlinux live image. It uses earthly for fast execution, requirements minimization, reliability and verbosity.


  • bash
  • docker
  • earthly

Build archlive image

# It configures archiso rootfs from chroot
# optional: true
# default: -
export rootfs_configure_script="./rootfs_configure.sh"

# It sets kernel boot options
# optional: true
# default: rw
export kernel_options="rw console=ttyS0"

# Additional directory to copy into live image.
# It will be copyed into /root directory.
# It is copied before rootfs_configure_script is executed.
# optional: true
# default: -
export directory_to_copy="./some-directory"

# Creates custom image "output/live.img"
./run build-live-image
rootfs_configure_script example
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail

# Downloads some packages
pacman -Sy nano tree vi npm

# Changes configs
echo "ee2e" > /etc/hostname

# Bulids some project
cd /root
ln -s /cache node_modules
npm i simple-js-project

Note that path /cache can be used as a cache betweet builds.

Run archlive image in terminal

# It sets image to boot.
# Image has to be bootable from terminal.
# (for example with `console=ttyS0` kernel option)
# optional: false
export launch_interactive_image="./output/live.img"

# Launches ./output/live.img interactive in terminal
./run launch-interactive-tty

Test builder itself

# It builds custom image and checks boot errors by ssh
./run test-buidler