A enterprise level performance testing solution. Taking inspiration from nGrinder, this project aims to develop a Spring Boot application mirroring nGrinder's functionality as closely as feasible.
Pinned issues
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Develop guide in 1.2.0v
#71 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 0
feat: Show error rate
#75 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 0
TestStatus 저장 시 매칭되지 않는 정보 저장
#90 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 0
feat: User email authentication
#77 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 0
`@Transactional` and `@SpringBootTest` can be cooperative but not with `RANDOM_PORT`
#80 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 0
feat: TPS, MTTFB graph generation
#89 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 8
에러코드 관리 및 유연한 에러 메세지 추가
#84 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 0
시계열 데이터 그래프 변환 lib 선정
#87 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 1
시계열 데이터 sorting 을 DB order by? or java sort?
#88 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 2
Redis 기반의 로깅 및 상태 관리를 통한 퍼포먼스 테스트 워크플로우 개선
#81 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 1
TemplateResult 업데이트 로직 수정
#78 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 0
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Spring-boot 3.2.x -param exception
#82 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 0
핫스팟으로 로컬작업 시, eureka service discovery 주소에러
#79 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 0
feat: monitoring stack
#45 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 0
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Javascript 에서 ISO-8601 duration 변환
#66 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 0
nginx ingress caching expiration setup
#67 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 1
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TPS, MTTFB graph generation
#70 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 0
사용중인 스케줄러 Job 4개
#61 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 1
동시성 향상을 위한 레퍼런스
#36 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 0
내결함성 유지를 위한 서킷 브레이커 설정
#51 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 1
적용중인 CI/CD 및 관련 레퍼런스
#34 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 0
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퍼포먼스 테스트 시 타겟서버로 요청에러 시 TPS 수치 포함 제거 필요
#63 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 6
Agent 에서 받은 시간 변환 에러
#65 opened by LeeJeongGi - 0
HTTP 부하 테스트 시 타겟서버의 인증을 획득하는 옵션
#48 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 0
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Agent 에서 vuser 만큼 동시 HTTP 로드 전송 방법
#37 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 4
@TestContainer 사용 시 간헐적으로 컨테이너 다운이 안되는 문제
#50 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 1
feat: result entity, repo, service
#12 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 1
ConcurrentHashMap stream sorted 시 멈춤현상
#57 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 0
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feat: GKE deploy
#29 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 3
Flux onComplete 중복 발생
#43 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 7
WebClient 모킹 에러
#42 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 2
WebClient Docs
#31 opened by LeeJeongGi - 2
자바 비동기 처리 위해 사용하는 CompletableFuture class docs
#35 opened by LeeJeongGi - 4
nGrinder에 적용한 HttpClient 5
#23 opened by LeeJeongGi - 0
Docker compose build image cross platform
#30 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 3
multi plateform docker image builder
#32 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 0
feat: page view of test templates
#27 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 0
feat: agent server sent event
#25 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 0
feat: url whitelist check filter
#19 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 0
feat: simple front-end page views
#21 opened by ghkdqhrbals - 0
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CI workflows with Jacoco test comment
#14 opened by ghkdqhrbals