
Asp.Net Core Angular 2 single page web application Seed

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

This project would help AspNet developers to jump start with a blank Angular application with login/registration support.


Frameworks, IDE & plugins

  • Visual studio 2015
  • Angular 2 RC 1
  • AspNetCore (aka Asp Net 5 or vNext) which targets both .Net Core & .Net 4.5.1
  • Bootstrap 3
  • Alertify for notifications
  • Fancybox for login/registration modals
  • Automatic node package restore for client side libraries with Visual Studio 2015
  • Automatic bower package restore for client side libraries with Visual Studio 2015
  • Gulp to compile & transpile typescript to JavaScript, rename, uglify, generate source maps for debugging typescipt on browser etc
  • Task explorer to watch and compile typescript with gulp during development and during build process
  • System.JS as JS module loader with support for an on demand asynchronous loading of js modules.


  • AspNetCore (aka Asp Net 5 or vNext) as server side framework with purely REST services (JSON)
  • Angular 2 beta as a pure Single Page Application (SPA) with static typings using typescript for client side code.
  • Angular 2 PathLocationStrategy implemented with URL rewrite on server side. This will help to implement server side rendering for faster initial page loads in future.
  • Cookie authentication seed for login/logout/registration

Future updates

  • Add karma/jasmine test runner suite for client side code
  • Add server side unit testing (using xunit) along with integration testing (using Microsoft.AspNet.TestHost)
  • Use SCSS along with gulp compile to CSS
  • Seed multilevel rest style routing (for example user/{userId}/account/{accountid}
  • Seed multi-level side bar menu
  • Seed a paged grid
  • Seed authorization for child routes
  • Bundle minified Angular2/Rx files when stable version is released
  • Demonstrate real-time notifications using SignalR