
A concourse resource to interact with the azure blob service. Currently only supports versioning blobs using snapshots.

Source Configuration

  • storage_account_name: Required. The storage account name on Azure.

  • storage_account_key: Required. The storage account access key for the storage account on Azure.

  • container: Required. The name of the container in the storage account.

  • versioned_file: Required. The file name of the blob to be managed by the resource. The resource only pulls the latest snapshot. If the blob doesn't have a snapshot, the resource will not find the blob. A new snapshot must also be created when a blob is updated for the resource to successfully check new versions.


check: Extract snapshot versions from the container.

Checks for new snapshot versions for a file. If a blob exists without a snapshot the file will not be found.

in: Fetch a blob from the container.

Places the blob file in the destination.

out: Upload a blob to the container.

Uploads a file to the container. After uploading the blob it will create a new snapshot of the blob.


  • file: Required. Path to the file to upload, provided by an output of a task.

Example Configuration

An example pipeline exists in the example directory.


- name: azure-blobstore
  type: docker-image
    repository: czero/azure-blobstore-resource

  - name: terraform-state
    type: azure-blobstore
      storage_account_name: {{storage_account_name}}
      storage_account_key: {{storage_account_key}}
      container: {{container}}
      versioned_file: terraform.tfstate


- get: terraform-state
- put: terraform-state
    file: terraform-state/terraform.tfstate