
A collection of single page AgentScript models

Primary LanguageHTML

What is this:

Hey, welcome!

This is a collection of one page AgemtScript models along with their views and additional tools from the AgentScript repo.

Here's the onepagers repo: https://github.com/backspaces/onepager

Here's how to start a git project, like this one:

cd ~/src
mkdir onepagers
cd onepagers
touch README.md
copy/install a server for locally testing.

I grabbed a very simple & readable, server.js, from Redfish. You can copy it from the onepagers repo.

Run it via:

node < server.js &
browser: http://localhost:9000/\<my model\>.html
Open console for debug info


Turn your directory into git repo:

git init
echo ' # ignore these in the repo
\*\*/.DS_Store' > .gitignore


git add .
git commit -m "first commit"

Integrate with github:

Go to your github account, for me https://github.com/backspaces/

Use the + button to add a new repo in my case onepagers. This creates https://github.com/backspaces/onepagers

Connect your local git repo with github:

git remote add origin https://github.com/backspaces/onepagers.git
git push -u origin master

Make your repo also a github page: go to: https://github.com/backspaces/onepagers/settings

scroll down to GitHub Pages, source: master, theme: set to one you like

Then to get page metadata locally:

git pull origin master

See it here: https://backspaces.github.io/onepagers/

Rinse and repeat:

git add .
git status
git commit
git push -u origin master