
Granular synthesis crate with #![no_std] support

Primary LanguageRust


Granular synthesis with #![no_std] support!

This library implements a granular algorithm which can be easily placed on two threads (i.e. audio callback and update).


Currently, only mono WAV files in f32le (32 bit floating point little endian) format are being supported. It is planned to support a lot more PCM based formats and bit depths!


Depending on which platform you are targeting, there are different implementation styles.


When used with std, one can simply wrap the Granulator in an Arc<Mutex<_>>, copy its reference counter, start two threads and lock it respectively.

This code snippet acts only as rough demonstration.

use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::time::Duration;

// only outputs sound if an audio buffer is provided
// which can be swapped out during playback as well
let granulator = granulator::Granulator::new(48_000); // provide a sample frequency

// Wrap it in a reference counter and a Mutex, then clone it
let audio_ref = Arc::new(Mutex::new(granulator));
let update_ref = audio_ref.clone();

// Audio callback (mono)
let buffer = | buffer: Vec<f32> | {
    // lock the granulator
    let mut gran = audio_ref.lock().unwrap();

    // calculate samples for the next buffer
    for mut sample in buffer {
        sample = gran.get_next_sample();

// Update the granulator itself and its parameters
// Interval duration should be less than 20ms
let update = | interval_since_last: Duration | {
    // lock the granulator
    let mut gran = update_ref.lock().unwrap();


    // set all other parameters of the algorithm


For all embedded platforms with CAS (Compare and Swap) instruction, this library may be used safely. It follows the same principles as the example above, only that instead of a Mutex, a critical-section is being used.

The use of the rtic (Real-Time Interrupt Concurrency) framework is highly recommended, since it trivialises the implementation of the critical-section.

This code snippet acts only as rough demonstration.

    device = YOUR_DEVICE,
    peripherals = true,
mod app {
    use granulator::Granulator;

    struct Shared { granulator: Granulator }

    struct Local { buffer: &mut [f32; 64] }

    fn init(ctx: init::Context) -> (Shared, Local, init::Monotonics) {
        // init system and buffer
            Shared { granulator: Granulator::new(48_000) },
            Local { buffer },

    fn idle(_ctx: idle::Context) -> ! {
        loop {

    // Audio callback
    #[task(binds = DMA1_STR1, local = [buffer], shared = [granulator], priority = 8)]
    fn audio_handler(ctx: audio_handler::Context) {
        let mut buffer = *ctx.local.buffer;
        let mut granulator = *ctx.shared.granulator;

        for sample in buffer {
            let mut sample = 0.0;
            granulator.lock(|granulator| {
                sample = granulator.get_next_sample();

            // push audio into stream

    #[task(binds = TIM2, shared = [granulator])]
    fn update_hanlder(ctx update_handler::Context) {
        let mut granulator = *ctx.shared.granulator;

        granulator.lock(|granulator| {

            // set all the parameters