Welcome fellow Godot developers! This Godot Game Template is very much a work in progress but that doesn’t mean it can’t still do plenty of heavy lifting for you. Here is some info to get you started.

Current Version: v0.1 (developed in Godot 4.2.1)

  • Settings Menu w/ built in saving via UserPrefs class (incdlues: Volume and Music sliders, Dropdown for languages, Dropdown for screen resolutions, monitor selection, and fullscreen toggle - these display options will be toggled off if on mobile/web and certain options not available on Mac will only show when on PC
  • SceneManager autoload (handles: loading scenes, displaying transitions, displaying loading progress, protocol for passing data between loaded/unloaded scenes)
  • Simple JSON save system - extend to suit your game’s needs
  • Start screen template and a few other minor bells and whistles

Get the Template

You will find three categories of branches

  1. main - production ready code (only one branch)
  2. develop - unreleased features, potentially unstable (only one branch)
  3. feature - new feature in development (could be any number of these at a given time)

If you just want stable code to use in your project, it’s recommended you fork the main branch OR if you prefer to leave git out it you’re welcome to download a zip of the main branch (click the down arrow next to the Code button above OR grab the latest release from the right margin of this page)

If you are looking to contribute, please have a look at the CONTRIBUTING.md file for guidelines.

Found a Bug or Want to Request a Feature?

Open an issue here and tag it as a bug or feature-request. Please be as descriptive as possible. Alternatively, hop on over to Discord and let us know in the game-template channel what’s on your mind :)

Feature Roadmap

The list of features to be added will remain a moving target as I/we figure out what features to add in what order. That list is maintained over on the CONTRIBUTING.md file as well under the same heading.