
Code and data for our ISMIR2020 paper 'Mode Classification and Natural Units in Plainchant'

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Mode Classification and Natural Units in Plainchant

This repository contains the data and code for the paper 'Mode Classification and Natural Units in Plainchant' presented at International Society for Music Information Retrieval conference (ISMIR2020), for which we won the best multi/interdisciplinary research award! 🏆

📖  Paper (supplements)   •   🎬  Video   •   📜  Poster

Our study compares three approaches mode in medieval plainchant from the Cantus database. The eight modes are the central tonalities around which the repertoire is organized.

  1. The classical approach classifies melodies to modes using the final note and the range of the melody.
  2. The profile approach looks at pitch (class) profiles.
  3. Finally, the distributional approach represents melodies as weighted vectors of motif frequencies (tf–idf vectors). We try all sorts of motifs, or units, including three ‘natural’ units: notes that form so-called neumes, syllables or words.

Overall, the distributional approach works best, and of all units that can be used with it, natural units work best. In fact, it works surprisingly well, even if we throw away the actual pitches and only use its contour. Could this mean that, just like a sentence is made by stringing together words, a chant melody is made together by concatenating small musical motifs?

Reference. Bas Cornelissen, Willem Zuidema, and John Ashley Burgoyne, “Mode classification and natural units in plainchant”, in Proc. of the 21st Int. Society for Music Information Retrieval Conf., Montréal, Canada, 2020



  1. Repository structure
  2. Python setup
  3. Generating the data
  4. Running the experiments
  5. Analyzing the results

Repository structure

  • cantuscorpus/ The corpus used in this study is not included in the repository, but can be downloaded here: CantusCorpus v0.2. Just remove the -v0.2 from the directory name, and place it in the root of the repository,
  • data/ Contains the data used in the experiments. We report results for five independent runs of whole study, for which we generated five datasets with different train/test splits, named run-0 to run-4. Only the data for the first run is included in the repository, but the other datasets can be reproduced as the generation is deterministic. Data per run is further structured as follows:
    • data/run-[i]/[genre]/[subset]/[split]-chants.csv: a chants file with details about the chant, including the volpiano and mode.
    • data/run-[i]/[genre]/[subset]/[split]-features.csv: a table with all features used by both the classical and the profile-based approach.
    • data/run-[i]/[genre]/[subset]/[split]-representation-[representation].csv A table containing chants in the given representation, segmented in many different ways: besides the natural segmentations, 1–16 grams (or k-mers) and three random baselines. where genre can be antiphon or responsory; subset can be full (all chants) or subset, meaning only the subset without melody variants; split can be train or test and the representation can be pitch, interval-dependent, interval-independent, contour-dependent and contour-independent.
  • demo-data/ This folder has the same structure as data, but is generated using the chant-demo-sample.csv table from CantusCorpus. This demo data is useful during development.
  • experiments/ Every experiment has a number of parameters, like the type of model, the number of cross-validation splits, but also what directory to load the data from. To record which parameters where used to produce which results, we specify the experiment parameters in YAML files in the experiments folder.
  • figures/: all figures made in this study. Most plots are generated using the notebooks in notebooks/, and then finalized in Affinity Designer (those files are not included). The directory also contains many figures that are not in the paper or the supplements, such heatmaps with other evaluation metrics.
  • notebooks/ Contains the Jupyter notebooks used to generate the figures, or to do other analyses.
  • src/ Contains all code used to generate the datasets, run the experiments and compute tf–idf vector embeddings. All Python files are documented.
  • tests/ Contains some unittests for some of the code in src/.

Python setup

You can find the Python version used in .python-version and all dependencies are listed in requirements.txt. If you use pyenv and venv to manage python versions and virtual environments, do the following:

# Install the right python version
pyenv install | cat .python-version

# Create a virtual environment
python -m venv env

# Activate the environment
source env/bin/activate

# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

Generating the data

# Generate the complete dataset
python -m src.generate_data --seed=0

# Generate a demo dataset
python -m src.generate_data --what=demo --seed=0

Here seed is a number used to set the random seed. This is used to generate five different datasets used in five independent runs (with seeds 0, ..., 5).

Running the experiments

python cli.py run experiments/profile-demo.yml
python cli.py run experiments/profile-run-0.yml
python cli.py run experiments/profile-run-1.yml
# ...

Analyzing the results

All plots are made in the Jupyter notebooks in notebooks/. However, the low-dimensional embeddings of the tf-idf vectors are computed in src/tfidf_visualization.py; there's no cli for this, but tweaking the script is straigtforward.


All code is released under an MIT licence. The figures are released under a CC-BY 4.0 license.