Sample Map App

This is a map which shows potential waypoints in a cycling trip across Japan.


  1. Create a mapbox api token as described on the Mapbox website. Note that it is recommended that you use a token which is restricted to the production URL.
  2. Create a file called .env.local in sample-map-app and give it the following contents:
    Where {YOUR_MAPBOX_TOKEN} is your mapbox token. Make sure to include the quotation marks.

Running the app

Development mode

  1. Make sure that react-scripts is installed (npm install react-scripts --save).
  2. Navigate to sample-map-app and run the command npm start.

Production mode

  1. Make sure that serve is installed (npm install -g serve)
  2. Build the app with npm run build
  3. Run serve -s build


There are 2 sets of tests: unit tests and UI tests.

Unit Tests

  1. Navigate to sample-map-app and run npm test.

UI Tests

  1. Make sure you version 3.7.8 or greater of python installed
  2. Make sure you have selenium for python installed (pip install selenium).
  3. Download Chrome WebDriver and place it in sample-map-app\selenium_tests\chromedriver.exe.
  4. Make sure that the app is running
  5. Navigate to sample-map-app\selenium_tests and run python