
Vue.js component to select a CSV file, map the columns to fields, and post it somewhere.

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

Vue.js component to handle CSV uploads with field mapping.

Latest Version on NPM Software License CircleCI Scrutinizer Code Quality



Go to the "demo" folder for a working example.


You can install the package via yarn:

yarn add vue-csv-import

or npm:

npm install vue-csv-import --save


Import component:

import { VueCsvImport } from 'vue-csv-import';

new Vue({
    components: { VueCsvImport },
    el: '#app',

Include in template:

<vue-csv-import url="/url/to/post" :map-fields="['array', 'of', 'field', 'names']"></vue-csv-import>

or with labels:

<vue-csv-import url="/url/to/post" :map-fields="{field1: 'Label 1', field2: 'Label 2'}"></vue-csv-import>

or with v-model:

<vue-csv-import v-model="parseCsv" :map-fields="{field1: 'Label 1', field2: 'Label 2'}"></vue-csv-import>

With all available slots:

    :map-fields="['name', 'age']">

    <template slot="hasHeaders" slot-scope="{headers, toggle}">
            <input type="checkbox" id="hasHeaders" :value="headers" @change="toggle">

    <template slot="error">
        File type is invalid

    <template slot="thead">
            <th>My Fields</th>

    <template slot="next" slot-scope="{load}">
        <button @click.prevent="load">load!</button>

    <template slot="submit" slot-scope="{submit}">
        <button @click.prevent="submit">send!</button>


Option Default Description
mapFields N/A (required) These are the field names that the CSV will be mapped to
url null If present, the component will post the mapped values to this url. Otherwise, the component will only emit the value to be used as a normal input
callback null The callback to be called on successful upload. (url required)
catch null The function to be called on an error in posting (url required)
finally null The function to be called no matter what on posting (url required)
tableClass "table" The class to be added to table element
checkboxClass "form-check-input" The class to be added to the checkbox
buttonClass "btn btn-default" The class to be added to buttons
inputClass "form-control-file" The class to be added to the file input
tableSelectClass "form-control" The class to be added to the table element selects
submitBtnText "Submit" The value of the final submit button
loadBtnText "Submit" The value of the initial load file button
headers null Define whether csv has headers by default. Removes checkbox.
fileMimeTypes ["text/csv"] Array of valid mime types
canIgnore false Can fields be ignored (Boolean)


Slot Description
thead The content of "thead" in the field mapping table
next The next button. Use slot-scope "next" to load csv.
submit The submit button. Use slot-scope "submit" to submit form.
hasHeaders The "has headers" checkbox. Use slot-scope "toggle" and "headers".


npm run test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


If you discover any security related issues, please contact John Gile.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.
