
Publish PDF Catalog to the web. Automatically generates thumbnails & searchable catalog (extracting metadata from PDF titles)

MIT LicenseMIT


Publish PDF Catalog to the web. Automatically generates thumbnails & searchable catalog (extracting metadata from PDF titles).


Importing PDF Catalog


Web UI



  • Node.js
  • Grunt (JS Task Runner)
  • ExpressJS Web Framework
  • Handlebars.js Templating Library
  • pdfutils.js npm module (for reading PDF metadata & generating thumbnails)
  • Mongoose ORM
  • MongoDB


Make sure Node.js v0.10.29 or up and npm are installed.

Clone this repo:

git clone https://github.com/badarahmed/pdf-catalogX.git

Run npm install to install all node dependencies:

npm install

Install MongoDB. Follow instructions here: http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/installation/

Generating PDF Catalog:

Upload all PDF files in public/pdf folder. Then, run the populatedata.js script in dbx folder:

node populatedata.js

This will import all PDFs in public/pdf folder and automatically generate a catalog (in a mongodb database), generate thumbnails in public/img. It also creates search tags for each PDF based on PDF comma seperated title (PDF metadata) as input.

Start Web Application:

You can use grunt (default target) to start a local webserver & serve the app over it:


PDF CatalogX is now live!