
Inifinite version of JavaScript Solitaire app

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Step 1:

Create an html page with a 3x3 grid of divs that are 80x80 pixels with 10 pixels of padding all around. Give them all a background color of light gray. Underneath the grid add a link with the word “Wipe” in it. Step 2:

When you click on a box, change the background-color of the box to blue. Clicking again reverts the color to gray.

When you click the Wipe link, all the boxes should revert to gray

If all the boxes are BLUE, show a hidden div that says congratulations!

Step 3:

When you click a box, toggle the background color of that box and those boxes directly connected to it. Once that’s working, change the board size to be 5x5