
prometheus alertmanager, zabbix or any costum message sender bot for telegram

Primary LanguagePython


Telegram bot for forwarding prometheus and zabbix alerts, or any costum messages. Refactored and ready for heroku. For prometheus alerts forwarding bot_token and chat_id must be defined in myenv.py.


Configure alertmenager recievers:

 - name: 'telegram-webhook'
    - url: http://your_bot.herokuapp.com/alerts
      send_resolved: true

For sending any other messages to any chat send json with POST to https://your_bot.herokuapp.com/webhook location

Example json

{ "chat_id":"your chat id" "text":"your text" }

Example curl command

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -XPOST -d '{ "chat_id": "-12345677899", "text": "sended by curl" }' https://your_bot.herokuapp.com

Deploy to Heroku

git clone https://github.com/badbuka/alertmanager-webhook
cd alertmanager-webhook
heroku login -i
heroku git:remote -a {heroku-project-name}
git push heroku master