
This class attempts to mimic the interface in National Geographic's Park Guides app for iPhone. It requires iOS 5 for its use of UIViewController Containment. It also uses ARC and literal syntax for arrays. Video: http://f.cl.ly/items/3P1x0I2b1l241U360V1M/JLBPartialModal%20720p.mov

Primary LanguageObjective-C


##How to Use

Show a view controller that has a predefined view size. JLBPartialModal will use the height of the view passed in.

[[JLBPartialModal sharedInstance] presentViewController:viewController dismissal:^{
	// Code to be called when the modal has been closed

To close the modal use the following:

[[JLBPartialModal sharedInstance] dismissViewController];

The user will also be able to tap outside your provided view to close the modal.

##Demo Video

You can watch a video of it in action here: http://f.cl.ly/items/3P1x0I2b1l241U360V1M/JLBPartialModal%20720p.mov