
Run GUI applications and desktops in docker. Focus on security.

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x11docker: Run GUI applications in docker x11docker logo

Avoiding X security leaks and hardening container security

Running graphical applications or desktop environments in docker images is effectively similar to running a snapshot of a virtual machine that is set back to it origin state on every restart. Advantage: It needs much less resources than a virtual machine, and it is easier to share host resources like hardware acceleration, sound and clipboard. Persistant data storage is possible with shared host folders. Persistant system changes can be done in Dockerfile.

x11docker-gui screenshot LXDE in xpra

GUI for x11docker

x11docker-gui is an optional graphical frontend for x11docker.

  • x11docker-gui needs package kaptain. If your distribution misses it, look at kaptain repository.
  • If kaptain is not installed on your system, x11docker-gui tries to use image x11docker/kaptain.

x11docker-gui screenshot

Terminal usage

Just type x11docker IMAGENAME [IMAGECOMMAND]. Get an overview of options with x11docker --help. For desktop environments in image add option --desktop (or short option -d). General syntax:

To run a docker image with new X server (auto-choosing X server):
To run a host application on a new X server:
  x11docker [OPTIONS] --exe COMMAND
  x11docker [OPTIONS] --exe -- COMMAND [ARG1 ARG2 ...]
To run only a new empty X server:
  x11docker [OPTIONS]


Minimal installation

For a first test, you can run with bash x11docker respective bash x11docker-gui. For manual installation, make x11docker executable with chmod +x x11docker and move it to /usr/bin.

Installation options

As root, you can install, update and remove x11docker on your system:

  • x11docker --install : install x11docker and x11docker-gui from current directory.
  • x11docker --update : download and install latest version from github.
  • x11docker --remove : remove all files installed by x11docker.

Copies x11docker and x11docker-gui to /usr/bin. Creates an icon in /usr/share/icons. Creates x11docker.desktop in /usr/share/applications. Copies README.md and LICENSE.txt to /usr/share/doc/x11docker.

Shortest way for first installation:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mviereck/x11docker/master/x11docker -O /tmp/x11docker
sudo bash /tmp/x11docker --update
rm /tmp/x11docker


For troubleshooting, run x11docker or x11docker-gui in a terminal. x11docker shows warnings if something is insecure, missing or going wrong. Use option --verbose to see logfile output, too. Get help in the issue tracker.


x11docker can run with standard system utilities without additional dependencies on host or in image. As a core, it only needs an X server and, of course, docker to run docker images on X.

x11docker checks dependencies for chosen options on startup and shows terminal messages if some are missing.


  • If no additional X server is installed, only less isolated option --hostdisplay will work out of the box within X, and option --xorg from console. (To use --xorg within X, look at setup for option --xorg).
  • As a well working base for convenience and security, it is recommended to install xpra and Xephyr.
    • It is recommended to use latest stable xpra version from http://xpra.org.
    • Alternativly, you can install nxagent for both seamless and desktop mode.
  • Already installed on most systems with an X server: xrandr, xauth and xdpyinfo.

Advanced usage:

  • Hardware acceleration with option --gpu
    • Beside xpra, also install Xwayland, weston and xdotool. (Not needed for --xorg and --hostdisplay)
    • Works best with open source drivers on host and OpenGL/Mesa in image.
      • With closed source drivers on host, you need the very same driver version in image. (Please note that installing proprietary closed source drivers like nvidia makes your images less portable. Rather insist that NVIDIA corporation actively supports open source drivers like nouveau, or at least publishes an API documentation.)
    • Packages for OpenGL/Mesa in image:
      • debian and Ubuntu images: mesa-utils mesa-utils-extra.
      • CentOS and fedora images: glx-utils mesa-dri-drivers
      • Arch Linux images: mesa-demos
  • Sound:
    • Option --alsa has no dependencies.
      • You can install ALSA libraries in image to support virtual devices (debian images: libasound2).
    • Option --pulseaudio needs pulseaudio on host and in image.
  • Clipboard sharing with option --clipboard needs xclip. (Not needed for --xpra, --nxagent and --hostdisplay). Image clipboard sharing is possible with --xpra and --hostdisplay.
  • Rarer needed dependencies for special options:
    • --nxagent provides a fast and lightweight alternative to xpra and Xephyr. Needs nxagent to be installed.
    • --kwin and --kwin-xwayland need kwin_wayland, included in modern kwin packages.
    • --xdummy needs dummy video driver xserver-xorg-video-dummy (debian) or xorg-x11-drv-dummy (fedora).
    • --xvfb needs Xvfb
    • --xfishtank needs xfishtank to show a fish tank.
    • --dbus is needed only for QT5 application in Wayland. It needs dbus-launch (package dbus-x11) in image.
    • --starter needs xdg-user-dir to locate your Desktop folder for starter icons.
    • --install, --update and --remove need unzip and xdg-icon-resource.
  • List of all host packages for all possible x11docker options (debian package names): xpra xserver-xephyr xvfb weston xwayland nxagent kwin xserver-xorg-video-dummy xfishtank xclip xdg-utils xauth xdotool xrandr unzip, further (deeper surgery in system): pulseaudio xserver-xorg-legacy.

x11docker-gui dependencies screenshot

Password prompt

root permissions are needed only to run docker. X servers run as unprivileged user.

Running x11docker as unprivileged user:

  • x11docker checks whether docker needs a password to run and whether su or sudo are needed to get root privileges. A password prompt appears, if needed.
  • If that check fails and does not match your setup, use option --pw FRONTEND. FRONTEND can be one of su sudo gksu gksudo lxsu lxsudo kdesu kdesudo beesu pkexec or none.

Running x11docker as root:

  • Commands other than docker are executed as unprivileged user determined with logname. (You can specify another host user with --hostuser USER).
  • Unfortunately, some systems do not provide DISPLAY and XAUTHORITY for root, but needed for nested X servers like Xephyr. In that case, tools like gksu or gksudo can help.


Description of some commonly used options. Get an overview of all options with x11docker --help.

Desktop or seamless mode

x11docker assumes that you want to run a single application in seamless mode, i.e. a single window on your regular desktop. If you want to run a desktop environment in image, add option --desktop. If you don't specify a desired X server, x11docker chooses the best matching one depending on chosen options and installed dependencies.

  • Seamless mode is supported with options --xpra and --nxagent. As a fallback insecure option --hostdisplay is possible.
    • If neither xpra nor nxagent are installed, but x11docker finds a desktop capable X server like Xephyr, it avoids insecure option --hostdisplay and runs Xephyr with a host window manager.
    • You can specify a host window manager with option --wm WINDOWMANAGER, for example --wm openbox.
  • Desktop mode is supported with all X server options except --hostdisplay. If available, x11docker prefers Xephyr and nxagent

Shared folders

Changes in a running docker image are lost, the created docker container will be discarded. For persistent data storage you can share host directories:

  • Option --home creates a host directory in ~/x11docker/IMAGENAME that is shared with the container and mounted as home directory. Files in container home and configuration changes will persist.
  • Option --sharedir DIR mounts a host directory at the same location in container without setting HOME.
  • Option --homedir DIR is similar to --home but allows you to specify a custom host directory for data storage.
  • Special cases for $HOME:
    • --homedir $HOME will use your host home as container home. Discouraged, use with care.
    • --sharedir $HOME will mount your host home as a subfolder of container home.

For persistant changes of image system, adjust Dockerfile and rebuild. To add custom applications to x11docker example images, you can create a new Dockerfile based on them. Example:

# xfce desktop with Midori internet browser
FROM x11docker/xfce
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y midori

Hardware acceleration

Hardware acceleration for OpenGL is possible with option --gpu. This will work out of the box in most cases with open source drivers on host. Otherwise have a look at Dependencies.


Clipboard sharing is possible with option --clipboard. Image clips are possible with --xpra and --hostdisplay. Some X server options need package xclip on host.


Sound is possible with options --pulseaudio and --alsa.

  • For pulseaudio sound with --pulseaudio you need pulseaudio on host and in image.
  • For ALSA sound with --alsa you can specify the desired sound card with --env ALSA_CARD=Generic. Get a list of available sound cards with aplay -l.

Language and locale settings

You can specify the locale/language setting in container with option --env LANG=en_US.UTF-8 or matching to your host with --env LANG=$LANG. The image needs the matching locales to be installed.

  • To install a single locale, include this in your image:
# replace en_US by your desired locale setting, for example de_DE for german.
RUN echo $LANG UTF-8 > /etc/locale.gen
RUN apt-get install -y locales && update-locale --reset LANG=$LANG
  • All locales in debian images are contained in package locales-all.
  • For support of chinese, japanese and korean install a font like fonts-arphic-uming in image.


Scope of x11docker is to run dockered GUI applications while preserving and improving container isolation. Core concept is:

  • Run a second X server to avoid X security leaks.
    • This in opposite to widespread solutions that share host X socket of display :0, thus breaking container isolation, allowing keylogging and remote host control. (x11docker provides this with option --hostdisplay).
    • Authentication is done with MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE, stored separate from file ~/.Xauthority.
  • Create container user similar to host user to avoid root in container.
    • If you want to be root in container, use option --user=root.
    • You can also specify another user with --user=USERNAME or a non-existing one with --user=UID:GID.
  • Disables possible root password and entries in /etc/sudoers.
  • Reduce container capabilities to bare minimum.
    • Uses docker run options --cap-drop=ALL --security-opt=no-new-privileges.
    • This restriction can be disabled with x11docker option --cap-default or reduced with --sudouser.

Weaknesses / ToDo:

  • If docker daemon runs with --selinux-enabled, SELinux restrictions are degraded for x11docker containers with docker run option --security-opt label=type:container_runtime_t to allow access to new X unix socket. A more restrictive solution is desirable. Compare: SELinux and docker: allow access to X unix socket in /tmp/.X11-unix
  • User namespace remapping is disabled for options --home and --homedir to avoid file ownership issues. (Though, this is less a problem as x11docker already avoids root in container).

Options degrading container isolation

x11docker shows warning messages in terminal if chosen options degrade container isolation.

Most important:

  • --hostdisplay shares host X socket of display :0 instead of running a second X server.
    • Danger of abuse is reduced providing so-called untrusted cookies, but do not rely on this.
    • If additionally using --gpu or --clipboard, option --hostipc and trusted cookies are enabled and no protection against X security leaks is left.
    • If you don't care about container isolation, x11docker --hostdisplay --gpu is an insecure, but quite fast setup without any overhead.
  • --gpu allows access to GPU hardware. This can be abused to get window content from host (palinopsia bug) and makes GPU rootkits possible.
  • --pulseaudio and --alsa allow catching audio output and microphone input from host.

Rather special options reducing security, but not needed for regular use:

  • --sudouser allows sudo with password x11dockerfor container user. If an application breaks out of container, it can do anything. Allows some container capabilties that x11docker would drop otherwise.
  • --systemd, --openrc and --runit allow some container capabilities that x11docker would drop otherwise. --systemd also shares access to /sys/fs/cgroup.
  • --cap-default disables x11docker's container hardening and falls back to default docker container privileges.
  • --hostipc sets docker run option --ipc=host. (Allows MIT-SHM / shared memory. Disables IPC namespacing.)
  • --net sets docker run option --net=host. (Allows dbus connection to host, Shares host network stack.)

Choice of X servers and Wayland compositors

If no X server option is specified, x11docker automatically chooses one depending on installed dependencies and on given or missing options --desktop, --gpu and --wayland.

  • For single applications, x11docker prefers --xpra. Alternativly, it tries --nxagent.
  • With option --desktop, x11docker assumes a desktop environment in image and prefers --xephyr.
  • With option --gpu for hardware acceleration, x11docker prefers --xpra-xwayland for single applications, or --weston-xwayland for desktop environments.
  • If none of above can be started due to missing dependencies, x11docker uses --hostdisplay or --xorg.
  • With option --wayland, x11docker creates a Wayland environment without X. See also chapter Wayland.

x11docker-gui server screenshot


Beside the X servers to choose from there are options --wayland, --weston, --kwin and --hostwayland to run pure Wayland applications without X.

  • Option --wayland tries to automatically set up a Wayland environment. It regards option --desktop.
    • QT5 applications (most of KDE) also need option --dbus. (GTK3 applications must run without option --dbus).
  • Options --kwin and --weston run Wayland compositors Kwin or Weston.
    • For QT5 applications you may need to manually add options --waylandenv and --dbus to set some environment variables.
  • Option --hostwayland can run single applications on host Wayland desktops like Gnome 3 and KDE 5.


  • xfce4-terminal (GTK3) in Wayland:
x11docker --wayland x11docker/xfce xfce4-terminal
  • KDE plasma shell (QT5) in a pure Wayland environment with hardware acceleration. Option --kwin is used as kwin_wayland on host supports plasma panel placing while default --weston does not:
x11docker --kwin --wayland --dbus --gpu -- x11docker/plasma plasmashell

You can also run Wayland applications from host with option --exe.

  • gnome-calculator (GTK3) and neverball (SDL) from host in Weston without X:
x11docker --weston --exe gnome-calculator
x11docker --weston --exe neverball

Setup for option --xorg

  • Option --xorg runs from console without additional setup.
  • To run a second core Xorg server from within an already running X session, you have to edit or create file /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config and replace line:

with lines:


On debian 9 and Ubuntu 16.04 you need to install package xserver-xorg-legacy. (Depending on your hardware and system setup, you may not need line needs_root_rights=yes).

Custom access to X server

Running x11docker without an image name (or explicitly with option --xonly) creates an empty X server. In that case, or forced with option --showenv, x11docker writes some environment variables on stdout. You can use this for custom access to new X server. Example:

read Xenv < <(x11docker --xephyr --showenv)
echo $Xenv && export $Xenv
# run xterm from host on new X server
# run docker image on new X server
docker run --env DISPLAY --env XAUTHORITY -v $XAUTHORITY:$XAUTHORITY -v $XSOCKET:$XSOCKET x11docker/xfce

If you like to, you can run two docker images sharing the same X server. Example:

read Xenv < <(x11docker --xephyr --showenv x11docker/lxde)  # LXDE desktop in Xephyr
echo $Xenv && export $Xenv
x11docker --hostdisplay x11docker/xfce thunar  # Thunar from another image appears on LXDE desktop

Init system

x11docker supports init systems as PID 1 in container.

  • --tini: As default, x11docker uses docker built-in tini with docker run option --init.
  • --systemd: systemd in container.
    • No special setup is needed in image, only systemd must be installed. To get a faster startup, it helps to look for services that fail to start in container and to mask them in image with systemctl mask servicename.
    • x11docker sets up the container to run the image command as a service.
    • Tested with fedora, debian and Arch Linux images. Debian 10 images run well; debian 9 images additionally need insecure option --sys-admin.
    • Image example based on debian buster: x11docker/cinnamon
  • --runit: runit in container.
    • No special setup is needed in image, only runit must be installed. For a bit faster startup, failing services can be disabled by deleting their softlinks in /etc/runit/runsvdir/default.
    • x11docker sets up the container to run the image command as a service.
    • For most use cases, dbus should be installed in image and enabled with
      • ln -s /etc/sv/dbus /etc/runit/runsvdir/default.
    • Tested with Void Linux images.
    • Image example based on Void Linux: x11docker/enlightenment
  • --openrc: openrc in container.
    • No special setup is needed in image, only openrc must be installed.
    • Tested with Alpine Linux images.
  • --no-init: to run image command as PID 1 without an init system (docker default).


Some desktop environments and applications need a running dbus daemon and/or dbus user session.

  • use --dbus-system to run dbus system daemon. This includes option --dbus. Some desktops depend rather on dbus system daemon than on a running init system.
  • use --dbus to run image command with dbus-launch (fallback: dbus-run-session) for a dbus user session.

Developer options

Collection of rarer needed but sometimes useful options.


Network setup

SSH X forwarding

Example for an SSH setup with xpra:

read Xenv < <(x11docker --xdummy --display=30 x11docker/lxde pcmanfm)
echo $Xenv && export $Xenv
# replace "start" with "start-desktop" to forward a desktop environment
xpra start :30 --use-display --start-via-proxy=no

On another system in your network, attach with xpra over SSH:

xpra attach ssh:HOSTNAME:30     # replace HOSTNAME with IP or host name of ssh server

You can detach the SSH connection and reattach later again without terminating the application:

xpra detach ssh:HOSTNAME:30

You can stop xpra server without terminating x11docker:

xpra stop ssh:HOSTNAME:30

Warning: don't try this on localhost due to an xpra memory bug. On localhost, use xpra attach :30 instead.

HTML5 web applications

To provide dockered applications as HTML5 web applications, you need xpra and websockify. Example:

read Xenv < <(x11docker --xdummy  x11docker/lxde pcmanfm)
echo $Xenv && export $Xenv
# replace "start" with "start-desktop" to forward a desktop environment
xpra start $DISPLAY --use-display --html=on --bind-tcp=localhost:14501 --start-via-proxy=no

Now you can access your application at http://localhost:14501. Option settings are possible at http://localhost:14501/connect.html. Further infos at xpra wiki: HTML5 clients.

HTML5 web applications with GTK3 broadway

Broadway is a GTK3 specific feature to allow HTML5 web applications. The image needs libgtk-3-bin (debian) or gtk3 (Arch Linux) to be installed. A possible setup with x11docker:

x11docker --nothing --env BROADWAY_DISPLAY=:5 --env GDK_BACKEND=broadway \
          -- --publish=8085:8085 x11docker/xfce "broadwayd :5 & sleep 2 && xfce4-terminal"

Now you can access the dockered web application at http://localhost:8085. A sample setup without x11docker is moondev/gtk3-docker.


Sample setup for VNC access:

read Xenv < <(x11docker --xdummy  x11docker/lxde pcmanfm)
echo $Xenv && export $Xenv
x11vnc -localhost -noshm

In another terminal, start VNC viewer with vncviewer localhost:0. See man x11vnc for many details and further infos. Option -noshm disables shared memory (MIT-SHM). To allow shared memory, remove -noshm and use isolation breaking x11docker option --hostipc.

Simple but insecure alternative

There are short and simple but insecure alternatives for x11docker.

Alternative for single applications

This is similar to x11docker option --hostdisplay:

  • Share access to host X server with environment variable DISPLAY and X unix socket in /tmp/.X11-unix.
  • Allow access with xhost for current local user and create a similar container user.
  • Allow shared memory with --ipc=host to avoid RAM access failures and rendering glitches due to extension MIT-SHM.
xhost +SI:localuser:$(id -un)
docker run --rm -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY \
            -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw \
            --user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
            --ipc=host \

This nice short solution has the disadvantage of breaking container isolation. X security leaks like keylogging and remote host control can be abused by container applications.

Alternative for desktop environments

This is similar to x11docker option --xephyr:

  • Run Xephyr with disabled shared memory (extension MIT-SHM) and disabled extension XTEST.
  • Set DISPLAY and share access to new unix socket /tmp/.X11-unix/X1.
  • Create unprivileged container user to avoid root in container.
Xephyr :1 -extension MIT-SHM -extension XTEST &
docker run --rm -e DISPLAY=:1 \
            -v /tmp/.X11-unix/X1:/tmp/.X11-unix/X1:rw \
            --user $(id -u):$(id -g) \

This solution is more secure than the above one as it does not give access to display :0 with host applications and does not need --ipc=host. To use this with single applications you can run a host window manager on Xephyr display, too, for example with env DISPLAY=:1 x-window-manager.


Some example images can be found on docker hub: https://hub.docker.com/u/x11docker/

  • Single GUI application in container:

    • Terminal: x11docker x11docker/xfce xfce4-terminal
    • Fractal generator XaoS: x11docker patricknw/xaos
    • Glxgears with hardware acceleration: x11docker --gpu x11docker/xfce glxgears
    • Firefox with shared Download folder: x11docker --hostipc --sharedir $HOME/Downloads jess/firefox
    • Chromium browser: x11docker -- jess/chromium --no-sandbox
    • Tor browser: x11docker jess/tor-browser
    • Atom editor with your host home as container home: x11docker --homedir=$HOME jess/atom
    • VLC media player with shared Video folder and pulseaudio sound:
      • x11docker --pulseaudio --sharedir=$HOME/Videos jess/vlc
  • Desktop in container:

    • Lightweight, small image:

      • fluxbox: x11docker --desktop x11docker/fluxbox (quite small image!)
      • Lumina: x11docker --desktop x11docker/lumina
      • LXDE: x11docker --desktop x11docker/lxde
      • LXQt: x11docker --desktop x11docker/lxqt
      • Xfce: x11docker --desktop x11docker/xfce
      • CDE Common Desktop Environment: x11docker --desktop --hostnet x11docker/cde
    • Medium:

      • Enlightenment: x11docker --desktop --runit x11docker/enlightenment (option --gpu recommended)
      • Mate: x11docker --desktop x11docker/mate
      • Trinity (successor of KDE 3): x11docker --desktop x11docker/trinity
    • Heavy, option --gpu recommended

      • Cinnamon: x11docker --desktop --dbus-system x11docker/cinnamon
      • deepin: x11docker --desktop --dbus-system --pulseaudio x11docker/deepin
      • KDE Plasma: x11docker --desktop x11docker/plasma
      • KDE Plasma as nested Wayland compositor:
        • x11docker --hostdisplay --gpu x11docker/plasma startplasmacompositor
      • LiriOS: x11docker --desktop lirios/unstable
    • LXDE desktop with wine and a persistent home folder to preserve installed Windows applications, with pulseaudio sound and hardware acceleration:

      • x11docker --desktop --home --pulseaudio --gpu x11docker/lxde-wine


Sample screenshots can be found in screenshot branch

x11docker --desktop x11docker/lxde-wine screenshot

x11docker --desktop x11docker/mate screenshot

x11docker --desktop x11docker/lxqt screenshot)

x11docker --desktop --systemd --pulseaudio --gpu x11docker/deepin screenshot