
Nagios plugin to check the status of a systemd service that is started regularly with a timer

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Nagios plugin to check the status of a systemd service that is regularly started by a montonic timer.

E.g. check if a job is started every 2 hours and exited sucessfully.


Mohamed El Morabity <melmorabity -(at)- fedoraproject.org> (nagios-plugin-systemd-service)

Andreas Bader <development -(at)- geekparadise.de> (nagios-plugin-systemd-timer)


check_systemd_timer <service name> <timer name> <time in seconds between runs that is not warning> <time in seconds between runs thar is not critical>


$ ./check_systemd_timer <some service> <some timer> 3200 7200
OK: service <some service>.service was running 1250 seconds ago.

 $ ./check_systemd_service <some bad service> <some timer> 3200 7200
ERROR: service <some service>.service was executed 900 seconds ago and exited with status error."

 $ ./check_systemd_service <some service> <some bad timer> 3200 7200
WARNING: service <some service>.service was executed 3300 seconds ago."

$ ./check_systemd_service <some service> <some bad timer> 3200 7200
ERROR: service <some service>.service was executed 7300 seconds ago."

$ ./check_systemd_service <not existing service> <some timer> 3200 7200
ERROR: service <not existing service>.service doesn't exist

$ ./check_systemd_service <some service> <not existing timer> 3200 7200
ERROR: timer <not existing timer>.timer doesn't exist