This project aims to ease the migration of application front-end using metamodels. To do so, it extracts the UI model of an application and generates the target application from the model.
This repository includes the whole work needed to migrate a GWT application to an Angular one. Other importers and exporters are available.
- Package description
- Installation
- Repository architecture
- Example of Casino usage
- Developers
- Links
- Contacts
This project is a research project part of an industrial project at Berger-Levrault in collaboration with the RMoD Team - Inria
This repository contains the main packages of Casino. It includes:
- A metamodel to represent the front-end of an application
- An Importer for this metamodel
- An Exporter for this metamodel
- A Specific Importer for Java (GWT)
- A Specific Exporter to Angular
It also contains some specific package for a company (but you don't need to know)
To install Casino:
- Download the last Moose Image
- In the Moose Image execute
Metacello new
githubUser: 'badetitou' project: 'Casino' commitish: 'v2.0.24' path: 'src';
baseline: 'Casino';
This should load the version v2.0.24 of the project (you can also specify another version or branch).
Here I'll try to explain you the repository architecture of Casino.
There are three main parts:
- Casino-Model-X is about the visual part of the model
- Casino-Business-X is about the data manipulated by the application
- Casino-Behavior-X is about the behavior of the UI (e.g. what happen when someone clicks on this button)
- Load a Moose model
'path/to/model.json' asFileReference readStreamDo: [ :stream | famixModel := FamixJavaModel new importFromJSONStream: stream ]
You can create a JSON model using VerveineJ With the command:
& 'D:\Developpement\mse\VerveineJ\verveinej.bat' -o test.json -format json -anchor assoc -autocp .\lib\ .\src
- Create a Casino model
"create a metamodel with Casino UI, Behavioral, Business, and FAMIX ref"
metamodel := FMMetaModelBuilder metamodelFromPackages: CSNBModel packagesToProcessToCreateMetamodel , CRFModel packagesToProcessToCreateMetamodel, CSNBuModel packagesToProcessToCreateMetamodel.
"Create a model"
gwtModel := CSNUICWModel new name: 'Omaje'; yourself.
"fix the metamodel of the model"
gwtModel metamodel: metamodel.
- Extract the UI with an extractor.
xml := (XMLDOMParser parse: 'path/to/myApp.module.xml' asFileReference).
CSNWebModelJava new
sourceModel: famixModel;
xml: xml;
createModelIn: gwtModel.
- Extract the behavior of the UI
behavioralModel := CSNBehaviorModelImporterJava new
uiModel: gwtModel;
sourceCodeModel: famixModel;
- Extract the business concept (DTO) from services usage
businessImporter := CSNBuModelImporter new.
businessImporter buModel: gwtModel.
businessImporter famixModel: famixModel.
gwtModel allCSNServiceAPI do: [ :serviceAPI |
businessImporter importForServiceApi: serviceAPI.
"create a metamodel with Casino UI, Behavioral, Business, and FAMIX ref"
metamodel := FMMetaModelBuilder metamodelFromPackages: CSNBModel packagesToProcessToCreateMetamodel , CRFModel packagesToProcessToCreateMetamodel, CSNBuModel packagesToProcessToCreateMetamodel.
"Create a model"
casinoModel := CSNUICWModel new name: 'MyModel'; yourself.
"fix the metamodel of the model"
casinoModel metamodel: metamodel.
'/path/to/model.json' readStreamDo: [:stream | casinoModel importFromJSONStream: stream ].
- Export the UI and its behavior
"Create an exporter"
exporter := CSNModelExporterAngularBLSpecific new.
exporter model: gwtModel.
"Set the home page"
exporter homePage: (evolModel detect: [:page | page name = 'MyHomePage']).
"Use the as target library"
exporter exporterAngularConfiguration: CSNExporterAngularMaterialConfiguration new.
exporter attributeExporter: CSNExporterAngularAttribute new.
exporter prepareExport.
"Select export location"
exporter context root: '/path/for/export' asFileReference.
exporter runExport.
- Export the data models (DTO)
root := (exporter context root / 'models') asFileReference ensureCreateDirectory.
businessExporter := CSNBusinessExporter new modelRoot: root.
businessExporter export: gwtModel.
If you want to implement your importer, you should look at the CSNWebModel
This is the abstract importer of Casino.
Here, we will only give hints on the main Casino project, with the GWT importer and Angular Exporter.
In no specific order:
- GUI Migration using MDE from GWT to Angular 6: An Industrial Case
- Challenges for Layout Validation: Lessons Learned
- Switching of GUI framework: the case from Spec to Spec 2
- Migrating GWT to Angular 6 using MDE
Please, for any question contact me by mail.