
Use the fastest badge generator from your CLI

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


npm version Install size License

Use the fastest badge generator from your CLI.


$ npm install -g badgen-cli


$ badgen --subject build --status ok --color green > build-ok.svg


  • --status, -s
    String, right-hand side of the badge (required)
  • --subject, -j
    String, left-hand side of the badge
  • --color, -c
    String, color for the status (color name or RGB hexa value)
  • --flat, -f
    Boolean, use the flat style badge
  • --icon, -i
    String, icon before the subject (icon name, image data URI or inferred from the subject)
  • --icon-width, -w
    Number, width of the icon if not square

See also

  • badgen, the module behind this CLI.