
Create a CLI for this?

tunnckoCore opened this issue · 7 comments

It would be pretty easy, just pass parsed argv as options to the library and output the svg?

I'm working on setuping huge monorepo of all my packages - both scoped and non-scoped ones. And so, I have idea to generate build badges on successful build per package.

For example

  "scripts": {
    "build": "(yarn build:dist && yarn build:status) || yarn build:status",
    "build:dist": "babel src -d dist -x .js,.jsx,.ts,.tsx,.mjs --delete-dir-on-start",
    "build:status": "echo \"Result(${npm_package_name}): $?\"",

Which will be called from CI after all linting, typechecking, testing, coverage, and build. So in that build:status script I want to generate a badge which I will put in a directory, so I can show separate build status badge on the readme of each package.

So if we have badgen-cli, I can do

  "scripts": {
    "build": "(yarn build:dist && yarn build:success) || yarn build:failed",
    "build:dist": "babel src -d dist -x .js,.jsx,.ts,.tsx,.mjs --delete-dir-on-start",
    "build:status": "badgen --subject build",
    "build:success": "yarn build:status --status success --color green > dist/build-status.svg",
    "build:failed": "yarn build:status --status failed --color red > dist/build-status.svg"

The badgen/ is related to all that too. I will have build, npm and github badges for each package in the monorepo. The only missing part is coverage badge, but I may figure it out in future.

Btw, what about creating monorepo for Badgen - the cli, the lib, the web, and the service. Actually the CLI doesn't need to be as separate package. We can add it here, with just one dependency - mri or minimist.

amio commented

Cool idea! Use badgen-cli directly in CI process 👍

For the monorepo thoughts, since the cli, lib, service have different release schedules, I prefer to keep them in separated repos. But I'm planning to put them under the org

a9 commented

it is good idea!

I'll be happy to help on that front, but I can't open PR as long as the repo doesn't exists. Does badgen-cli still planned to exists ?

amio commented

@GMartigny Thanks for helping! I created the repo

I dont think separate is needed. CLI is including only 1 package.

People could want to install Badgen without the CLI. It could be a mono repo, but it's basically the same as 2 repos.

yes but one flat dependency isn't a big problem, that's why I always prefer it that way, if it does not need bigger functionality and deps. : )