
A server that serves great lookin' status badges for Travis CI.

Primary LanguageRuby

Badger Build Error Build Failing Build Passing Build Pending Build Unknown

A server that serves great lookin' status badges for Travis CI (more support in the future). All of the badges are desinged to fit GitHub's styling guide and colours. I decided to remove the gradient and keep 'em flat. The font is Helvetica, the font that GitHub uses by default. Based on the Shields.


Just clone this repo to your computer, and cd into its folder. Then run ruby app.rb (I personally use shotgun but you can use whatever you want) and navigate to localhost:4567 (or 9393 for shotgun). You should see a page telling you that "Sinatra doesn’t know this ditty". That's good. You can now go ahead and navigate to localhost:4567/travis/rafalchmiel/sandie.svg. Of course replace rafalchmiel with the owner name, and sandie with the repo name. This will serve you a nice SVG status badge based on the last_build_state from Travis CI. I'll host this on Heroku soon!