Brian Blaylock
July 2018
These scripts help me be a successful meteorologist.
These are for Python 3, because I am switching to version 3.
Reference: Reference:
I installed the Anaconda python distribution and created a new environment using the environment.yml
file provided in this directory. The name of the environment is pyBKB_v3
conda env create -f ./environment.yml
is not available on Windows, so that line is commented out. But you can install it if you uncomment it.
On a windows computer, to activate the pyBKB_v3
environment, do this in the Windows Command Prompt:
activate pyBKB_v3
Or, if you are in the PowerShell
activate pyBKB_v3
If you are using a bash shell in Linux:
source activate pyBKB_v3
If you are not using a bash shell in Linux:
source activate pyBKB_v3
Deactivate the environment
deactivate pyBKB_v3
source deactivate pyBKB_v3
Update the environment.yml file, and update the conda environment
conda env update -f environment.yml
List all the available environments
conda info --envs