
APCS Final Project

Primary LanguageJava


![logo] (logo.png)
Mr. Young's APCS Class
William Xie, Eric Xue
Logo by Vellia Zhou: https://imgur.com/a/tLsVv
We didn't write CustomOutputStream, referenced from here:

Instructions: Welcome to Basketball Simulator 2K17!
By: William Xie and Eric Xue (Logo by Vellia Zhou)
For: Mr. Young's AP Computer Science A Class
Control the team through console input. You'll have to delete a lot of windows
Enter '0' for more in-depth instructions. Minimize the console to fit ~4-5 lines.
Excepting all the other times, at any point in time, enter a string into the console to return to the User Manual.
Entering actions via console will open up new windows on the GUI. You'll end up with a lot of windows open.
You could be cheeky and enter in Strings for ints or ints for Strings. Or you could not.

Start a season and simulate games:
The whole point of the game is to build a team through trades and drafts that play games in order to win a championship.
We couldn't quite get the whole 'simulate playoffs' part working, but you can play in games and seasons!
Before you simulate any games(Enter '2'), you have to start a season (Enter '1').
There are 82 games in a season. You can view the League rankings and Box Scores of the most recent 15 games.
There are some bugs regarding playing all 82 games and then initiating the next draft. Oh well.

Trades: you can trade players between teams.
Until 60 games into the season and while the season is over, you may trade players (Enter '3'). This is the trade deadline.
Trades are proposed by you and can be between any two teams (not necessarily you and another team).
Players have generated PlayerValues (and hidden, modified TradeValues)
These determine their 0-99 attributes, roster stats, and team trades.
Teams reject trades if the sum of squares of the offered Players' TradeValues is +-2000 than the other team's sum.
As a client, you will not be forced to reject, but will be encouraged not to accept if given a poor offer.
If a proposed trade is valid, you will have the chance to view the composite TradeValues and execute the trade or not.

View Teams and Players:
To view the 0-99 attributes and PlayerValues of each team, Enter '4' to see teams, Enter '1'-'30' to view a team.
To view the roster stats of each team in a season (Enter '5' to see all teams), enter '1' through '30' to view a team.
Team order will changes frequently. Be very aware! This is due to static variables/bad program design.
Players gain PlayerValue years 0-5. If lucky (you can't know this) they'll improve a little, a lot, or really a lot in year 6.
PlayerValues don't change years 7-12, and decrease years 12-19. They immediately retire after year 19 (age 40).

PlayerPool: a collection of free agent players.
You, the player, will be able to view PlayerPool and cut/sign players whenever you want.
You will be forced to cut/sign players from the pool if you have less/more than 12 players.
If you want to remove a player on your team, enter '6'. If you want to sign a player from the pool, enter '7'.
Unlike other actions, when forced to cut players, team actions will output information to console, not a window.
For some reason I can't figure out, you have to press '1' 30 times to automate cutting for 30 teams.

Draft: " + After a season ends, a draft of 60 new players occurs. Depending on league rankings, you pick at two certain points.
As will be told to you, mock draft rankings (done by PlayerValues) for those 60 players and the team pick order are shown.
AI teams will pick in that order, you don't have to. Players are ranked by PlayerValue, but have different 0-99 stats.
PlayerValues improve by a hidden amount each year. Don't be immediately dissuaded by a low PlayerValue
If you exit a draft mid-pick or decline to immediately begin the draft, Enter '8' to resume the draft from where you were.

Enter '9' to terminate the game. Your data won't be saved, but the dozens of windows cluttering your screen will close.

Miscellaneous facts and features that weren't implemented:
We implemented a merge search (aka Collections.sort()) to get rankings/draft orders.
It works but it's why viewing teams is messed up.
Some things we meant to do that completely failed/needed more time: random name generation, live game viewing
(i.e. game generation possession by possession), salary caps, trading DraftPicks, on-window user input
Thanks to Vellia Zhou for creating our awesome logo!! Also thanks to Mr. Young for being the only reason I go to school.