mqtree: Index tree for MQTT topic filters
mqtree is an Erlang NIF implementation of N-ary tree to keep MQTT topic filters for efficient matching.
System requirements
To compile mqtree you need:
- GNU Make.
- GCC.
- Erlang/OTP 17.5 or higher.
$ git clone
$ cd mqtree
$ make
-spec new() -> tree().
Creates new tree. The tree is mutable just like ETS, so there is no need to keep its updated version between calls. The created tree gets destroyed when it's garbage collected.
Complexity: O(1)
NOTE: a registered tree (see register/2) is not a subject for garbage collection until unregister/1 is called explicitly.
-spec insert(Tree :: tree(), Filter :: iodata()) -> ok.
Inserts Filter
into Tree
and increases its reference counter.
The reference counter is increased every time when the same
filter is inserted into the tree. The reference counter is decreased
when the filter is deleted, see delete/2.
Complexity: O(H)
where H
is the number of slashes (/
) in Filter
NOTE: no checks are performed on the filter being inserted: it's up to the caller to check if the filter conforms to the MQTT specification.
-spec delete(Tree :: tree(), Filter :: iodata()) -> ok.
Deletes Filter
from Tree
and decreases its reference counter.
Nothing is done if the filter is not found in the tree.
Complexity: O(H)
where H
is the number of slashes (/
) in Filter
NOTE: no checks are performed on the filter being deleted: it's up to the caller to check if the filter conforms to the MQTT specification.
-spec match(Tree :: tree(), Path :: iodata()) -> [binary()].
Finds filters in Tree
matching Path
according to the MQTT
Complexity: O(2^H)
worst case, where H
is the number of slashes (/
) in Path
Note that the worst case complexity is only achieved when an attacker forces to
store in the tree a massive amount of filters containing +
meta-symbol. The
obvious protection is to restrict the filter depth. Another approach is to
make filter "deduplication" during subscription registration, e.g. filters
, +/b
and +/+
should be "merged" into single +/+
NOTE: no checks are performed on the path being matched: it's up to the caller to check if the path conforms to the MQTT specification.
NOTE: any path starting with $
won't match filters starting with
or #
. This is in accordance with the MQTT specification.
-spec refc(Tree :: tree(), Filter :: iodata()) -> non_neg_intger().
Returns the reference counter of Filter
in Tree
. In particular,
zero (0) is returned if the filter is not found in the tree.
Complexity: O(H)
where H
is the number of slashes (/
) in Filter
NOTE: no checks are performed on the filter being searched: it's up to the caller to check if the filter conforms to the MQTT specification.
-spec clear(Tree :: tree()) -> ok.
Deletes all filters from Tree
Complexity: O(N)
where N
is the number of filters in the tree.
-spec size(Tree :: tree()) -> non_neg_integer().
Returns the size of Tree
. That is, the number of filters in the
tree (irrespective of their reference counters).
Complexity: O(N)
where N
is the number of filters in the tree.
-spec is_empty(Tree :: tree()) -> boolean().
Returns true
if Tree
holds no filters. Returns false
Complexity: O(1)
-spec register(RegName :: atom(), Tree :: tree()) -> ok.
Associates RegName
with Tree
. The tree is then available via call
to whereis/1. Fails with badarg
exception if:
is already in use (even by the tree being registered)RegName
is atomundefined
- Either
has invalid type
It is safe to register already registered tree to another name. In this case the old name will be freed automatically.
Complexity: O(1)
NOTE: a registered tree is not a subject for garbage collection. You must call unregister/1 explicitly if you want the tree to be freed by garbage collector.
-spec unregister(RegName :: atom()) -> ok.
Removes the registered name RegName
associated with a tree.
Fails with badarg
exception if RegName
is not a registered name.
Complexity: O(1)
-spec whereis(RegName :: atom()) -> Tree :: tree() | undefined.
Returns Tree
with registered name RegName
. Returns undefined
Complexity: O(1)