
How to rescue the old styles (DejaVu Sans and Monokai)

badlydrawnrob opened this issue · 0 comments

We're using Recursive font for latest theme's main body and code text.
If you want to revert back to the old styles, you can almost do that:

  1. Use body { font-family: var(--font-family-old); } for body text
  2. And h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { font-family: var(--font-family-header-old); } for the headers
  3. Copy monokai.less and add as :root { } styles
    • Paste in the Manage Note Types -> APF: ... -> Cards ... -> Styling (at the bottom)
    • Do the same for all Anki Programming Flashcards (APF) card note types!

Or if you're using the compiler in a forked version just change the variables for the text, and:

  1. @import '../variables/monokai'; in style/base/html/_root.less
  2. Comment out breezedark-modified)

The original Breeze Dark theme

There's also a breezedark.less file that Pandoc uses if you want to use that instead. The modified version is better overall, in my opinion. Just copy the variables in that file and add in :root { } as above with Monokai.
