
Eventually to be repalced by EncryptedSharedPreferences from AndroidX (which is in alpha currently): https://developer.android.com/reference/androidx/security/crypto/EncryptedSharedPreferences

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


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  • this library gives you an out of the box solution for encrypting values in a Shared Preferences file via the Android Keystore
  • no need to worry about managing/generating keys in your app, just plug'n'play


  • Minimum of API 21 (Android Lollipop), approximately 85% of all devices
  • All the requirements of what the Android Keystore requires
  • uses com.android.support.appcompat (androidX is coming in the future!)

Why use this library?

  • it's a very small library with very few dependencies
    • Comparatively Armadillo is a really good library, and really feature rich. But you might not use all of those features, and it would bulk up your app
  • The AndroidX SDK Team will be releasing their EncryptedSharedPreferences, it's currently in alpha, and I expect it to eventually replace this repo
    • the API for this library matches the API for AndroidX's library, so when it's ready you could switch to using this with minimal friction
    • here's AndroidX's source

What does it do

  • everything the android.content.SharedPreferences does with an added layer of encryption on top
  • the encryption under the hood relies on the Keystore (so your keys are mostly managed by the OS keystore process1)



val prefs = EncryptedSharedPreferences.create(filename = "default", context)

Store a String

val editor = prefs.edit()
editor.putString("KEY", "value")

Get a String

prefs.getString("KEY", "default value")

Plans for the Future

  • replace support libs with androidx
  • introduce a mechanism for migrating from current shared prefs, to androidx shared prefs
  • perhaps some instrumentation tests?


  1. for below API 23 (Android Marshmallow), Symmetric Encryption is not supported out of the box. A key is generated, and stored in shared preferences (asymmetrically encrypted)