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List Of Library
Main headings and details you will find in this repo. Some code samples and comments may not be complete. Check the checkboxes on the side.
- Array Sorting (CF)
- Object and Property Exist Control (CL)
- Do While Usage With MySQL (SC)
- MySQL Connection On ClassicASP (SC)
- Determine date is Weekend or Weekday (CF)
PS: CF=Custom Function F=Function CL=Class SC=Sample Code
How To Use
(1) Array SortingUses the System.Collections.ArrayList object to sort the array.
Check this repo for ready Class : [Sorting Class for ClassicASP](
Show code usage
MyArray = Array(1,5,9,7,3,2)
tmp_data = MyArray
Response.Write "<h4>Default Array</h4>"
Response.Write Join(tmp_data) & "<hr>"
'OUTPUT: 1 5 9 7 3 2
tmp_data = SortArray(MyArray, "ASC")
Response.Write "<h4>Sorted Array (ASC)</h4>"
Response.Write Join(tmp_data) & "<hr>"
'OUTPUT: 1 2 3 5 7 9
tmp_data = SortArray(MyArray, "DESC")
Response.Write "<h4>Sorted Array (ASC)</h4>"
Response.Write Join(tmp_data) & "<hr>"
'OUTPUT: 9 7 5 3 2 1
(2) Object and Property Exist ControlUses Native Javascript runat Server method and return object exist. If object exist, return true, else return false value.
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Set Checker = New CheckerClass
' Not Exist Class: SomeClass
Set objClass = Eval("New SomeClass")
If Checker.ClassExist(objClass) = True Then
Response.Write "<span style=""color:green"">Exist</span><br>"
Response.Write "<span style=""color:red"">Not Exist</span><br>"
End If
Set objClass = Nothing
' Not Exist Property in Class: SomeClass.SomeProperty
Set objClass = Eval("New SomeClass")
If Checker.ObjectExist(objClass, "SomeProperty") = True Then
Response.Write "<span style=""color:green"">Exist</span><br>"
Response.Write "<span style=""color:red"">Not Exist</span><br>"
End If
Set objClass = Nothing
Set Checker = Nothing
(3) Do While Usage With MySQLIt shows making a MySQL database connection and spreading a table to the screen with a loop.
Demo Not found!
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Set rsObj = Conn.Execute("SELECT * FROM tbl_name ORDER BY col_name ASC")
If rsObj.Eof Then
' No Record Found in tbl_name
Do While Not rsObj.Eof
' Your Looping Code
rsObj.MoveNext : Loop
End If
rsObj.Close : Set rsObj = Nothing
(4) MySQL Connection On ClassicASPHow do I make a connection to a MySQL database using ASP?
Show code usage
On Error Resume Next
' Define Your DB Conneciton
Const conn_db_name = "your_db_name"
Const conn_db_user = "your_db_user"
Const conn_db_pass = "your_db_pass"
Const conn_db_addr = "your_db_address" ' Usually localhost but use for performance
' Set Conn object to db
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};database="& Db &";server="& ServerIP &";uid="& User &";password="& Pass &";"
Conn.Execute "SET NAMES 'utf8mb4'"
Conn.Execute "SET CHARACTER SET utf8mb4"
Conn.Execute "SET COLLATION_CONNECTION = 'utf8mb4_general_ci'"
If Err<> 0 Then
Response.Write "Database connection failed. Check your conn_ information"
End If
' Do Some Stuff With Your DB. Can access db object via 'Conn' object
' Release Connection Object
Set Conn = Nothing
(5) Determine WeekEnd or WeekDay with Classic ASP FunctionHow do I determine the date is weekend or weekday?
Show code usage
IsWeekend(Date()) ' return true Or false
If IsWeekend(Date()) = True Then
Response.Write "Yes, It's weekend"
Response.Write "No, It's weekday"
End If