
RunTrack is a Running Tracking app made using Modern Android Development (MAD), including Jetpack Compose, MVVM architecture, and Google Maps API. The app allows users to track their running activities and displaying real-time routes on an interactive map.

Primary LanguageKotlin


RunTrack is a Fitness Tracking app utilizing modern Android technologies, including Jetpack Compose, MVVM architecture, and Google Maps API. The app allows users to track their running activities, displaying real-time routes on an interactive map while storing essential statistics using Room database.


  1. Live tracking of running activity using GPS.
  2. Tracking of user's running path in Map using Google Map Compose library.
  3. Using Foreground Service, even the user closed the app and remove from the background, this app stills continue to track user running stats.
  4. Room database to store and manage running statistics.
  5. Handling nested navigation, Deep linking, conditional navigation to on boarding screen using Jetpack Navigation Component.
  6. New Jetpack Compose image picker - helps to pick image without any permission.
  7. Paging3 integration.
  8. Dynamic color support in dark and light theme.


runtrack_home_ss runtrack_live_tracking_ss
runtrack_running_info_ss runtrack_profile_ss

Package Structure

  • core
    • data: Contains entity and database related classes.
    • tracking: Classes that handles tracking.
  • di : Hilt Modules.
  • domain: Common use cases.
  • ui
    • nav: Contains app navigation and destinations.
    • screen: Contains UI.
    • theme: Material3 theme.
    • utils: UI utility classes and common components.
  • utils: Utility class used across the app.

Build With

Kotlin: As the programming language.

Jetpack Compose : To build UI.

Jetpack Navigation : For navigation between screens and deep linking.

Room : To store and manage running statistics.

Google Maps API : To track user's running activity such as speed, distance and path on the map.

Hilt : For injecting dependencies.

Preferences DataStore : To store user related data.

Coil : To load image asynchronously.


This app follows MVVM architecture, Uni Directional Flow (UDF) pattern and Single architecture pattern. HLD of tracking architecture is shown in the below image: tracking_architecture


Simple clone this app and open in Android Studio.

Google Map Integration

Do these steps if you want to show google maps. The tracking functionalities will work as usual even if you don't do these step.

  1. Create and Get Google Maps API key by using this official guide
  2. Open local.properties file.
  3. Enter your API key like this:

Project Status

These features are left to be implemented:

  1. Show user running statistics on a chart.
  2. Profile menu implementation.
  3. Unit Tests