
Gallery Theme for Hugo

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A modified version of...

A very simple and opinionated photo gallery theme for Hugo built with Tailwind CSS.


  • Responsive design
  • Dark theme
  • Private albums
  • Automatic (or manual) selection of feature images
  • Justified album views with Flickr's Justified Gallery
  • Lightbox with PhotoSwipe
  • SEO with Open Graph tags


As a Hugo Module

Requires the Go binary installed.

$ hugo mod init github.com/<your_user>/<your_project>

Add the theme to your hugo.toml

theme = ["github.com/nicokaiser/hugo-theme-gallery"]

As Git Submodule

$ git submodule add --depth=1 https://github.com/nicokaiser/hugo-theme-gallery.git themes/gallery


Page bundles which contain at least one image are listed as album or gallery:

|-- _index.md
|-- about.md             <-- not listed in album list
|-- animals
|   |-- _index.md
|   |-- cats
|   |   |-- index.md
|   |   |-- cat1.jpg
|   |   `-- feature.jpg  <-- album thumbnail
|   |-- dogs
|   |   |-- index.md
|   |   |-- dog1.jpg     <-- album thumbnail
|   |   `-- dog2.jpg
|   `-- feature.jpg
|-- bridge.jpg           <-- site thumbnail (OpenGraph, etc.)
`-- nature
    |-- index.md         <-- contains `featured_image: images/tree.jpg`
    |-- images
    |   `-- tree.jpg     <-- album thumbnail, not shown in gallery
    |-- nature1.jpg
    `-- nature2.jpg
  • /about.md is not a Page Bundle and does not have image resources. It is not displayed in the album list.
  • /nature is a Leaf Bundle (has index.md and no children) => displayed as gallery (single layout).
  • /animals is a Branch Bundle (has _index.md and has children) => displayed as album list (list layout).
  • The image resource with *feature* in its name or the first image found is used as thumbnail image for album lists.
  • Albums without an image are not shown.
  • Images in a sub-directory are not shown (here: nature/images/tree.jpg). This can be used to provide an album thumbnail that is not shown in the album itself.

Albums with images and sub-albums

In some cases it might be desirable to show images and sub-albums on one page.

This is configured by setting nodeGallery true for the entire site in hugo.toml:

    nodeGallery = true

or for the nodes for which that should be the case in _index.md:

nodeGallery: true

Such albums will always be shown even if they hold no images.

By default, all images in such nodes will then be shown. To hide the featured_image, define hideFeatured to either "always", "auto" or "never" for the entire site (hugo.toml) or for the relevant nodes (_index.md), e.g.:

    hideFeatured = "auto"

When set to "always", the featured images is hidden for all nodes (but NOT for leaf pages). When set to "never", the featured images will be shown in their corresponding node. When set to "auto", featured images in nodes that only hold one image will be hidden otherwise not.
