
🧱 Write your website in pure Swift with power of webassembly. DOM, CSS and all the WebAPIs are available out of the box.

Primary LanguageSwift


MIT License Swift 5.7 Swift.Stream

This library provides DOM, CSS and all possible web APIs beautifully wrapped into Swift ❤️

With it you will easily build your awesome reactive web app in beloved Swift ❤️


Go to webber repository and install it.


Clone spa or pwa template

Go to the project folder and open Package.swift to explore the code.

Then execute webber serve or webber serve -t pwa -s Service for the pwa app to debug your project in the browser.

Then take a look at the hidden .webber folder, you will find the entrypoint/dev folder where webber just generated entry files, you could edit these files if swift is not enough, e.g. to make you custom loading bar.

To release the project just call webber release or webber release -t pwa -s Service for pwa, and then grab production files from .webber/release folder.

// TODO: to be continued soon