
Run Piwik inside Docker

Primary LanguageShell


A quick easy setup for running Piwik inside Docker.


Ubuntu 14.04

##Building docker-piwik

Clone the https://github.com/mingfang/docker-piwik.git to your target machine. Change to the directory in which you cloned the git and run the build script.


The build script will install various software including:

  • latest version of piwik
  • runit
  • openssh
  • vim less net-tools inetutils-ping curl git telnet nmap socat dnsutils netcat tree htop unzip sudo software-properties-common
  • mysql
  • php5-geoip php5 libgeoip-dev

Once the build is complete mysql will be running and ready for action

Running docker-piwik

You have a couple different ways to start your new docker-piwik. Either run it with the obvious run script or shell script. Once the docker-piwik is running open a browser your_ip_address:8080 to start the installation of piwik inside your docker.

Follow the Piwik Installtion intructions on how to setup your installation

MySQL user is: piwik No Password Piwik DB Name: Piwik