
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


jQuery plugin that creates parallax effect for specific element.

Usage and Defaults

The scroll animation speed is based upon either a data-speed attribute in a html tag or the defaultSpeed option.

The speed value (integer) should be kept between -1 and 1.

A positive number makes the element appear to scroll slowly downward, while a negative integer makes the element appear to scroll slowly upward.

Javascript file:

// Default usage

// Options
  defaultSpeed:  0.2,   // Integer - Default speed if `data-speed` is not present
  useOffset:     true,  // Boolean - Whether or not to start animations below bottom of viewport
  defaultOffset: 200,   // Distance before element appears to start animation
  disableMobile: false, // Boolean - allow function to run on mobile devices
  minWidth:      false  // Integer - minimum width the function should fire

To assign different speeds to indivudual elements, use the data-speed attribute in html:

<div class="element" data-speed="0.1">
  <!-- do stuff -->

<div class="element" data-speed="0.2">
  <!-- do stuff -->

<div class="element" data-speed="-0.1">
  <!-- do stuff -->


Make sure to shim jQuery and then simply require the file:


  defaultSpeed: 0.1