
A standalone css library

Primary LanguageSCSS


This is a standalone css library--no required js, no dependencies, no footguns. I'm just tired of learning how to write easy css in complicated frameworks.

Goals (this project should be...)

  1. Modular: A strong set of utility classes
  2. Small: Hard limit of 5K compressed for the full library
  3. Useful: Ship with a bootstrap-esque set of semantic html styles
  4. Configurable: Class naming, component styling, and feature sets should all be configurable
  5. Pretty: Styling a bare html page should make it look better, not worse (think zen garden)
  6. Conscientious: Accessibility should be a right, not a priveledge


It's not done yet so don't use it!

TODO When this list is done we'll have an actual release

  • Sass Variables
    • Units: pixel, percentage, character, view height, view width, em, rem
    • Color Themes
      • Requires name, background, color, and border
      • Optionally includes a map of pseudo-selectors with overrides
      • Optionally includes a map of variants with name and overrides
  • Utility Classes
    • color: cX
    • font: fX
    • text: tX
    • border: bX
    • padding: p
    • margin: mX
    • width: wX
    • height: hX
    • display: dX
    • flex: flX
    • cursor: csrX
    • object: objX
    • overflow: ovrX
  • Modules: tag based, uses utility classes, pure css
    • Typography: standard text structure tags
      • h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, a
    • Layout: full page layouts
      • Vertical: flex column, full width, stretch children, children max width
    • Forms
      • Button: submit, reset, button
      • Textarea
      • Select
      • Input
        • Password
        • Checkbox
        • Radio
        • Email
        • Search
        • Tel
        • URL
        • Number
        • Range
        • Datetime: month, week, time, date
        • Color
        • File
    • Lists
      • Ordered
      • Unordered
    • Menu