
An example of deno tests having leaky async issues.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Deno leaky async in testing bug

When testing async operations in Deno (Promise resolution) there are times when it is necessary to allow a test to leave a promise running after the completion of the test. The deno testing framework allows this to happen by using the sanitizeResources and sanitizeOps flags to be set to false for a specific test.

Unfortunately, this seems to push the operation sanitizing into adjacent tests.

This repository contains a minimal reproduction of the issue:

Sample Code

import { assertEquals } from "https://deno.land/std/testing/asserts.ts";

type Task<A> = () => Promise<A>;

const task = <A>(a: A): Task<A> => () => Promise.resolve(a);

const wait = (ms: number) => new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, ms));

const delay = (ms: number) =>
  <A>(ma: Task<A>): Task<A> => () => wait(ms).then(ma);

const timeout = <A>(ms: number, onTimeout: () => A) =>
  (ta: Task<A>): Task<A> =>
    () => Promise.race([ta(), wait(ms).then(onTimeout)]);

// This test has a leaky op that is allowed to exist after the test ends
  name: "Leaky",
  async fn() {
    const _timeout = timeout(1 * 1000, () => "Bollucks!");
    const _delay = delay(2 * 1000);
    const delayedTask = _delay(task("Good Value"));
    const result = await _timeout(delayedTask)();

    assertEquals(result, "Bollucks!");
  sanitizeResources: false,
  sanitizeOps: false,

// This test has no leaky ops but the test command will associate the above
// "Leaky" test's leaked op with this test
Deno.test("Not Leaky", async () => {
  const _delay = delay(3 * 1000);
  const delayedTask = _delay(task("Good Value"));
  const result = await delayedTask();

  assertEquals(result, "Good Value");

Sample Test Run

curie deno_leaky_async_bug % deno --version
deno 1.10.2 (release, x86_64-apple-darwin)
typescript 4.2.2
curie deno_leaky_async_bug % deno test leaky.test.ts
running 2 tests from file:///Users/brandon/Documents/github/baetheus/deno_leaky_async_bug/leaky.test.ts
test Leaky ... ok (1004ms)
test Not Leaky ... FAILED (3010ms)


Not Leaky
AssertionError: Test case is leaking async ops.
  - dispatched: 3
  - completed: 2
  - dispatched: 5
  - completed: 5

Make sure to await all promises returned from Deno APIs before
finishing test case.
    at assert (deno:runtime/js/06_util.js:33:13)
    at asyncOpSanitizer (deno:runtime/js/40_testing.js:34:7)
    at async resourceSanitizer (deno:runtime/js/40_testing.js:58:7)
    at async exitSanitizer (deno:runtime/js/40_testing.js:85:9)
    at async runTest (deno:runtime/js/40_testing.js:199:7)
    at async Object.runTests (deno:runtime/js/40_testing.js:244:7)
    at async file:///Users/brandon/Documents/github/baetheus/deno_leaky_async_bug/$deno$test.js:1:1


	Not Leaky

test result: FAILED. 1 passed; 1 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out (4044ms)