Directory: data-cantons-csv
Structure daily file: dd-covid19-ch-cantons-yyyymmdd.csv see sample file dd-covid19-ch-cantons-20200318.csv
File most recent data (latest): dd-covid19-ch-cantons-latest.csv
Field Name | Description | Description | Format | Example |
date | Date of notification | YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (ISO 8601) Swiss time | 2020-03-05 12:15:45 | |
country | Country of reference | XY (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) | CH | |
abbreviation_canton | Abbreviation of canton | XY (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) | ZH | |
name_canton | Name of the canton | Text | Zurich | |
lat | Latitude | WGS84 | 42.6589177 | |
long | Longitude | WGS84 | 13.70439971 | |
hospitalized_with_symptoms | Hospitalised patients with symptoms | Number | 3 | |
intensive_care | Intensive care | Number | 3 | |
total_hospitalized | Total hospitalised patients | Number | 3 | |
home_confinment | Home confinement | Number | 3 | |
total_currently_positive_cases | Total amount of current positive cases (Hospitalised patients + Home confinement) | Number | 3 | |
new_positive_cases | News amount of current positive cases (Actual total amount of current positive cases - total amount of current positive cases of the previous day) | Number | 3 | |
recovered | Recovered | Number | 3 | |
deaths | Death | Number | 3 | |
total_positive_cases | Total amount of positive cases | Number | 3 | |
tests_performed | Tests performed | Number | 3 |
Directory: data-switzerland-csv
Structure daily file: dd-covid19-ch-switzerland-yyyymmdd.csv see the sample file dd-covid19-ch-switzerland-20200318.csv
File most recent data (latest): dd-covid19-ch-switzerland-latest.csv
Field Name | Description | Format | Example |
date | Date of notification | YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (ISO 8601) Swiss time | 2020-03-05 12:15:45 |
country | Country of reference | XYZ (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) | CH |
hospitalized_with_symptoms | Hospitalised patients with symptoms | Number | 3 |
intensive_care | Intensive care | Number | 3 |
total_hospitalized | Total hospitalised patients | Number | 3 |
home_confinment | Home confinement | Number | 3 |
total_currently_positive_cases | Total amount of current positive cases (Hospitalised patients + Home confinement) | Number | 3 |
new_positive_cases | News amount of current positive cases (Hospitalised patients + Home confinement) | Number | 3 |
recoverd | Recovered | Number | 3 |
deaths | Death | Number | 3 |
total_positive_cases | Total amount of positive cases | Number | 3 |
tests_performed | Tests performed | Number | 3 |
I settled on the current long csv format:
date_implemented | date_lifted | measure | unit | level |
date when the measure is implemented | date when the measure is lifted | textual description of the measure | identifier of the administrative unit | level of the administrative unit (canton, city, federal) |
- add measures for all cantons and federal and city level measures.
- code them according to general categories (Veranstaltungsverbot, ...) according to Art. 40 of the Epiemiegesetzt