
covid19 map for Switzerland using Esri Maps.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Data Formats

Data per Canton

Directory: data-cantons-csv
Structure daily file: dd-covid19-ch-cantons-yyyymmdd.csv see sample file dd-covid19-ch-cantons-20200318.csv
File most recent data (latest): dd-covid19-ch-cantons-latest.csv

Field Name Description Description Format Example
date Date of notification YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (ISO 8601) Swiss time 2020-03-05 12:15:45
country Country of reference XY (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) CH
abbreviation_canton Abbreviation of canton XY (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) ZH
name_canton Name of the canton Text Zurich
lat Latitude WGS84 42.6589177
long Longitude WGS84 13.70439971
hospitalized_with_symptoms Hospitalised patients with symptoms Number 3
intensive_care Intensive care Number 3
total_hospitalized Total hospitalised patients Number 3
home_confinment Home confinement Number 3
total_currently_positive_cases Total amount of current positive cases (Hospitalised patients + Home confinement) Number 3
new_positive_cases News amount of current positive cases (Actual total amount of current positive cases - total amount of current positive cases of the previous day) Number 3
recovered Recovered Number 3
deaths Death Number 3
total_positive_cases Total amount of positive cases Number 3
tests_performed Tests performed Number 3

Data for Switzerland

Directory: data-switzerland-csv
Structure daily file: dd-covid19-ch-switzerland-yyyymmdd.csv see the sample file dd-covid19-ch-switzerland-20200318.csv
File most recent data (latest): dd-covid19-ch-switzerland-latest.csv

Field Name Description Format Example
date Date of notification YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (ISO 8601) Swiss time 2020-03-05 12:15:45
country Country of reference XYZ (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) CH
hospitalized_with_symptoms Hospitalised patients with symptoms Number 3
intensive_care Intensive care Number 3
total_hospitalized Total hospitalised patients Number 3
home_confinment Home confinement Number 3
total_currently_positive_cases Total amount of current positive cases (Hospitalised patients + Home confinement) Number 3
new_positive_cases News amount of current positive cases (Hospitalised patients + Home confinement) Number 3
recoverd Recovered Number 3
deaths Death Number 3
total_positive_cases Total amount of positive cases Number 3
tests_performed Tests performed Number 3

Data on the measures taken against Covid2019

Data format

I settled on the current long csv format:

date_implemented date_lifted measure unit level
date when the measure is implemented date when the measure is lifted textual description of the measure identifier of the administrative unit level of the administrative unit (canton, city, federal)

Next steps

  • add measures for all cantons and federal and city level measures.
  • code them according to general categories (Veranstaltungsverbot, ...) according to Art. 40 of the Epiemiegesetzt

Landkarte der Schweiz für die Covid19 Fälle

Esri Visualisierungen

Todesfälle in der Schweiz

Daten manuell gesammelt