
Convert existing Hugo site into a custom WordPress theme

Primary LanguageHack

Converting a Hugo Website into a Custom WordPress, and You Can Too!

  • screenshot.png (880px x 660px)

The goal is to to take my existing website built with Hugo Static Site Generator and turning it into a custom WordPress theme.

The new WordPress theme should have all the same style and functionality of the current website.

The website looks like this:

WP-Theme Image

I'll be following WordPress's Template Hierarchy from their Theme Developer Handbook to so that WP will find all the files it needs to. I'll use Advanced Custom Fields plugin to add editing capabilities to the Admin interface. All of this is driven by PHP.

Starting out in the root directory wamp/www/wp-content/themes, I'll create a new directory for the theme. mkdir custom-theme, then into the directory cd custom-theme.

Now it's time to create some files. There are two files that must exist in a WordPress theme:

touch index.html
touch styles.css

now lets add the rest:


Even if you don't know what all these are, and you don't actively use them, these are standard files and should be included in a WordPress theme.

functions.php is where the party is. header.php is a where the menu, navbar, logo and header things go. footer.php is a footer archive.php is the blog post archive single.php is the single post type post template page.php is the post type page template

And we'll add the cover to our theme by adding a jpg image to the folder and calling it screenshot.jpg

Next we'll copy the header, footer, and body sections from index.html in our existing website into the php files in our theme directory.

Copy the from the top of the html file down to the end of the header section in the html file and paste it in header.php.

Then at the bottom of index.html copy everything from the footer section to the bottom of the page into footer.php.

Now copy the main section of the html file and paste it in front-page.php because it is our home page.

In WP-Admin, go to Settings > P

If you've only written html and haven't worked with php, or WordPress, you'll have to get used to modular file sourcing.

When you write html and link to css and js, you would put a line in the <head> that tells the page where to source its style and interaction documents.


<!-- index.html -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" type="text/css">
<script src="js/script.js"></script>

Here is what we'll do to start.

In header.php, where link rel and script src files go, move them to functions.php

// functions.php
function load_stylesheets() {
	wp_register_style('font', get_template_directory_url() . '/fonts/this/is_some-webfont.css', array(), 1, 'all');
	wp_register_style('bootstrap', get_template_directory_uri() .'/assets/css/stylesheet.min.somethingorother.css' array(), 1, 'all');

	wp_register_style('dope-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css');
	wp_register_style('ugly-style', get_template_directory_uri() . 'path/to/ugly/css', array(), 1, 'all');
	wp_register_style('custom', get_template_directory_uri() . '/custom/styles.css', array(), 1, 'all');


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