
Private SaaS is a start point (boilerplate) to build subscription-like service with invite based registration.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Private SaaS is a start point (boilerplate) to build subscription-like service with invite based registration.

Version: 0.0
Not ready for production usage.

- invite based registration;
- time based subscription with bonus period;
- promocodes, which allow extend subscription;
- ajax based log in, registration and change/reset password;
- very simple feedback system;
- based on lincolnloop' boilerplate (https://github.com/lincolnloop/django-startproject);

- module based payment;
- remove unnecessary js/css/images;
- remove django-registration dependency;
- try to split on independent apps;
- clean conf dir;

- django-registration;
- django-compressor;

1) git clone git://github.com/baffolobill/django-private-saas.git
2) cd private_saas
3) bin/manage.py syncdb
4) bin/manage.py runserver
5) go to http://localhost:8000