Data-Driven Control of Networks

This repository contains the code used in the the paper:

G. Baggio, D. S. Bassett, F. Pasqualetti "Data-Driven Control of Complex Networks", Nature Communications, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 1-13, 2021.

  • The folder synthetic contains the Matlab functions and scripts for computing optimal data-driven controls and for comparing the performance of model-based and data-driven controls in synthetic experimental settings.

  • The folder fMRI contains the code for computing optimal data-driven controls from task-based fMRI data.

  • The folder power grid contains the code for computing optimal data-driven controls for fault recovery in power grid networks.

  • The folder kuramoto contains the code for computing optimal data-driven controls for pattern synchronization in a ring of Kuramoto oscillators.

Author : G. Baggio
E-mail : baggio [dot] giacomo [at] gmail [dot] com