This Vim plugin provides text objects to select text on a line before the specified character.
This plugin works well, but has a high startuptime. If you use Neovim, consider using a lua version of this plugin instead: textobj-before.nvim
Developed and tested on Neovim 0.4.4, but should work on Vim 8, too. This plugin depends on vim-textobj-user.
Install with your favourite package manager or Vim's built-in package management system. For example using Vim-Plug:
Plug 'kana/vim-textobj-user'
Plug 'bagohart/vim-textobj-before'
By default, this plugin does nothing. To activate it, add the following lines to your vimrc:
let g:textobj_before_enabled = 1
This will add mappings for the following text objects:
, ab=
, ib,
, ab,
, ib:
, ab:
, ib;
, ab;
, ib|
, ab|
, ib.
, ab.
, ib/
, ab/
, ib\
, ab\
, ib'
, ab'
, ib"
, ab"
, ib!
, ab!
, ib#
, ab#
, ib<
, ab<
, ib>
, ab>
, ib[
, ab[
, ib]
, ab]
, ib{
, ab{
, ib}
, ab}
, ib(
, ab)
To change the default prefix (ib
), add:
let g:textobj_before_prefix_i = 'ix'
let g:textobj_before_prefix_a = 'ax'
Related Plugins
- vim-after-object: Select the right hand side of a line after a separator
The Vim licence applies. See :help license